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"I know!" Sero piped up, "Hokori has to do Bakugo's homework for the rest of the week!" The group nodded in agreement, but Yume pouted in protest.

"If I had known that, I wouldn't have agreed! I hate school shit!!" she fought, however, it was no use.

"Suck it up loser, a loss is a loss." Bakugo replied, a laugh in his voice. She knew he was right, but she wasn't going to admit it happily.

"Fine. I'll do your homework." she sighed, defeat and dread in her voice.

"That's what I thought." he added confidently.

His pride this up close was almost alluring. She could hear every detail of his voice—the rasp, the growl, the full nine. She rolled her eyes, forcing her gaze to break away from his face which was still too close for comfort.

Punctuating the end of the game, Bakugo got up from her lap, finally allowing her to stretch out her once-compressed limbs. "God I can finally breathe again, you're so fat." she teased, watching him as he threw a response over his shoulder.

"Like hell I am. You're just weak!" his voice faded as he walked out of the room and to his dorm. She stayed a bit longer, allowing herself to thank the others for a good time. However, her guard was still up. No way was she going to truly befriend a bunch of amature heros.


While class 1A were at normal academic classes, Yume would be left alone in the dorms—perpetually checked on by a staff member to make sure she was remaining well behaved. She would be lying if she said she hadn't thought up a couple schemes to bring destruction to the UA campus. However, the sole fact that she had nowhere to go kept her from acting on them. Living at UA was quite nice other than the fact that during most of the day she was bored out of her mind. At first, she would spend her time in the gym or by walking around outside but now she was exhausted. She laid on the bed. Keyword; the. Like she said, she was never gonna make this place her home.

She was tired but she couldn't bring herself to take a nap. She shifted around the bed, chasing after the cool sheets that brought her comfort. Just as her eyes began to close, a certain patchwork face entered her mind. The simple image of his face made something inside her rise. She was wearing the black hoodie that once belonged to him and as his scent mixed with the thought, a heat rose within her. She hadn't gotten some action in a while, making the flashbacks of her hookup with Dabi all the more poignant.

As if she had no control, she felt her hand traveling down her body—her middle finger resting on her clit as it twitched. She couldn't believe what she was doing... but it was already too late. A pressure within her womb began to build as she started to stimulate the sensitive space between her legs. Her face was pressed in the bed as she continued, images of Dabi making her breath speed up. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door—sending her hand flying out from under her.

"Yo Hokori open the damn door." a familiarly rough voice demanded from outside. As she opened the door to face Bakugo, who was looking down at her, the throbbing between her legs continued.

"What do you want." she tried to regain composure but her voice slightly broke, not that Bakugo noticed as he pushed past her and into the room. "You need to do my homework, duh." he stated as he waved a stack of papers in her face. "Oh right, I was hoping you would forget about that." she joked, half of her being dead serious. "Never. A deal is a deal." he said as he pushed the papers into her chest, handing them off to her. "Yeah yeah I know." she grumbled as she took the papers, scanning them with a frown on her face. She was trying to distract herself from the unrelenting pounding in her clit as it cried out for attention.

"Do it fast and don't make any mistakes, I'll be back to get it from you later. Don't wait up, nerd." Bakugo slammed the door behind him, ending the conversation and punctuating his statement. She sighed with relief as he left, glad that she could now finish what she started. As she laid back down in bed she paused. Now, instead of thinking about Dabi, she was thinking about Bakugo—the homework he left taunting her from the desk. The heat immediately subsided, the unpleasant thought bringing her back to reality.


Around an hour later, Bakugo returned, Yume already waiting for him with the completed homework in her hand. "All done!" she proudly announced, a relieved smirk on her face. He snatched the papers out of her grasp before looking away from her, his attention drawn to something that wasn't her.

"Actually I was here because Mina, Kirishima, Denki, and Sero wanted me to ask if you wanted to go to the campus pool with them for a night swim." the invitation was a pleasant surprise. She didn't know there was a pool here and she hadn't gone swimming in a while. "When is it? Tell them I'll be there!" He looked down at her, an unamused expression on his face. "They're about to leave now so you better hurry up, loser." She quickly slammed the door in his face, rushing to get ready, digging through the clothes she bought last week, praying she accounted for this situation. Luckily, she had. She sighed in relief as she pulled out a black bikini she had thrown into her cart. She quickly put it on—briefly staring at herself in the mirror. She lost weight since she last saw herself naked. She was never overweight or anything but she now saw a faint six pack slightly protruding from her abdomen. She turned to the side, checking herself out. Oh damn, she had gotten a thong bikini. Normally she would be mad, but her ass looked bigger than usual in it so she brushed it off. She exited her dorm, sporting an oversized T-shirt as a coverup as she was greeted by the pool groups smiling faces.

"We're glad you could go so last minute!" Mina beamed, slightly bouncing up and down in excitement.

"We just have to be careful because we didn't exactly get permission to use the pool this late...but I guess that's no problem for you Hokori." Kirishima said, resulting in a jab from Sero.

"Hokori.." Sero started but was cut off by Yume.

"It's okay Sero, Kirishima is right!" She was telling the truth, though it was small—she found comfort in the mischief.

As she walked to the pool with the group, she noticed Bakugo following along. She slowed down—matching his speed to talk to him. "I didn't know you were coming, blondie."

"Do we have a problem?" he sneered, ready for another petty fight. She rolled her eyes in the undeserving response.

"Chill, no. It's just a pleasant surprise!" She didn't mean it as any kind of compliment, but it seemed to appear that way as the meaning of the words hit her.

"Nothing about being with you is pleasant." He teased, an entertained grin spreading across his face as he kept his eyes on the road ahead of him...

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