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She was the first one out of the bus as she headlined it for her room. She needed to take a nice hot shower and think about everything. As she shaved every inch of her body, she found herself enjoying the extensive self care routine that she had recently been ignoring, it was nice to get some normalcy back.

She ran her hands against her smooth arms and thighs as she walked into the kitchen, searching for any kind of unhealthy snack...and finding none. Almost out of instinct, she looked for Todoroki—who usually appeared in the kitchen just when she needed him—but not this time.

She walked out of the kitchen in defeat, being met with Bakugo's agitated frame. She looked up at him, frowning. "Oh hey." He looked away from her, his brow lowering in slight thought.

"I'm sorry." Huh? That was out of character.

"It's okay."

"What did you mean before"


"When you said it was only ever me"


"Answer me."

"I meant what I said."

"So you're saying you've never.. messed around with anyone else, ever?"

"What?! No. Are you dumb?"

"What the hell else could that mean?!"

"I meant." she sighed uncomfortably "I meant that since I've been here, I've only ever liked you."

"You like me"

She couldn't tell if he was asking or telling her.

"Uh yea."

"Like for more than hooking up?"




That was all he had to say? Was he in middle school or something? God. This was a waste of time.

"Never mind, Bakugo."

He stopped her from moving past him, her body now underneath his grip.

"Hey. You like me, like actually."

She rolled her eyes.

"I just s-"

He kissed her. He kissed her hard, harder than ever before. She felt a whine grow in his chest as he held her, this kiss was more than just lust. She broke away, breathing heavily as she scanned his face, trying to figure out what he was thinking. His eyebrows were slightly twisted upwards, his face was betraying him—showing her just how much he wanted her mouth back on his.

She eased back into the kiss, her hands grasping against his back as if he were going somewhere..which he wasn't. He lifted her onto the counter, his hand moving to her thighs once she was sitting—their lips still deep in romantic warfare.

As Bakugo's thumb brushed over her upper inner thigh, she felt her clit pound with newfound lust. She broke out of the make out session to whisper in his ear, her words mixing with her desperate breath.

"Fuck me Bakugo."

At her words, his hands roughened against her as he brought her down from the counter, bending her against it. As she took in the position, she looked behind her.

"Here? What if someone walks in?!"

His gaze was hazy with wanting as he replied. "Trust me. They won't." before she could argue, he was pulling down her shorts, letting his hands squeeze her ass. She looked back ahead of her, trying to focus on the details of the counter as she felt him sink into her slowly. Her womb tensed at his size, it almost hurt but as his shaft went deeper—her body slumped with pleasure, her knees buckling.

He started off with slows strokes, shaping her to fit his dick—before picking up pace, his head over hers. She could hear every grunt of pleasure he let out, and he could hear every whimper.

Just as she thought she was starting to gain control, he yanked her hair, forcing her gaze to the ceiling as he pounded harder into her. Her whimpers turned to moans as she squeezed her eyes shut, embarrassed at the uncontrollable lewd noises.

"At least.. try.. to be quiet." His words were shaky and weaved between grunts as he started to become victim to the immense pleasure.

"'re just so big." At her words, she felt his dick twitch inside of her. So, he was a sucker for dirty talk. She felt her confidence rise as she realized a way to gain a bit of control.

"Please Bakugo, don't stop." He responded with a  weak grunt as he tilted his head back, her words encouraging a climax. "Fuck yes, right there." Yume started to move her ass along with his movements, enhancing the effect. The idea of him cumming due to her manipulation made her get closer aswell, his grip on her tightening as he pulled out. He rested his dick on her tailbone as it twitched before releasing its contents all over her back. At the same time, she reached her climax aswell, her shoulders raising as her body slumped once again....

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