Only You

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After dinner, the boys and girls went their separate ways—heading to their rooms for the night. As Mina flicked on the lights to their room, Yume sprawled across the mat, letting out a deep yawn. As her clothes loosened on her body, Uraraka let out a gasp.

"Hokori..what is on your neck?" At her words, the rest of the girls looked at her as well, Jiro squinting before her eyes went wide.

"Uh..I think that's a hickey."

Yume slapped a hand to her neck, rushing to the closest mirror to check. Just like Jiro had said, there was a big fat hickey on her neck from where Bakugo had kissed her. Shit.

"HOKORI WHEN DID YOU HAVE TIME TO DO THAT?! AND WITH WHO?!!" Hagakure exclaimed, everyone in the room suddenly silent in curiosity.

"Uhm.." she didn't know what to say. Bakugo would kill her if she told anyone, and she wasn't really stoked at the idea of people knowing about them.

"Did you do something with Bakugo in the towel house?" Asui accused, an innocent finger placed on her chin. Before Hokori could even say anything, somehow Asui had found out. Her silence made the others explode with surprise.

"WHAAAAT?!!! HOKORI YOU HAVE TO TELL US EVERYTHING. DONT SPARE A SINGLE DETAIL." Uraraka yelled. This is exactly what she didn't want to did Asui know? Did she hear them?

Hokori explained everything, even the part where she sucked Bakugos dick—the girls' mouths hanging more open in shock at every installment. She couldn't even look at them, she never wanted them to find out like this.

"You are so lucky.." Hagakure was the first person to speak after Yume finished telling them everything. She sighed in relief at the response, happy they weren't mad at her.

"You guys can't say anything to any of the guys. He would kill me."

"Noted.." Mina quickly added, the shock still on her face. The rest of the nights conversation revolved around Bakugo until they all finally fell asleep.

The next morning the entire class woke up early again to get back home in time. Hokori groggily fell into a seat, her body cozily swimming in Dani's black hoodie. Just because she chose not to be a villain, didn't mean she stopped loving him.

"Damn Kori you look drained." Kirishima's voice made her head slowly turn to the seat next to her.

"Hey Kirishima, yea I'm not used to getting up this early." Her voice was still sleepy, making Kirishima smile warmly at her. He found it endearing how sleepy she was.

They indulged in light conversation but Hokori's lack of sleep got the best of her, causing her to slump into Kirishima—falling asleep.

Kirishima looked around awkwardly to see Denki and Mineta smiling goofily and giving him a thumbs up. As Bakugo walked down the hall of the bus and saw their expressions he spoke.

"The hell are you guys looking all stupid for?" He growled, turning his head in the direction that they were looking before freezing. He didn't know how to feel about this. Were her and Kirishima a thing? Was she two timing him? No...nobody would ever rather have someone else if they had him.

Bakugo's rough voice woke Yume up, causing Kirishima to shoot him an irritated look. "Dude you woke her up!" He whined as she opened her eyes slightly, taking in the situation. He raised herself off Kirishima before stretching and staring at them all blankly.

"You ruined my dream." She said, a deadpan expression on her face as she stared at Bakugo, whose hands were twitching with some sort of emotion nobody really took the time to care about.

"Suck it up." He spat before walking back to his seat, huffing as he crossed his arms over his chest and put his headphones in.

Kirishima lightly pushed her head back to his shoulder. "Sorry about that, seemed like you really needed the sleep." Hokori felt a little stiff at the contact but she relaxed, knowing he only meant the best. However, as minutes past and she couldn't go back to sleep, she excused herself and went over to Bakugo who was listening to music and looking out the window.

As she lowered herself next to him his gaze shot to her and he started to speak. "What-" He was cut off by Yume leaning into him, her hand grazing against his cheek as she pulled out a side of his headphones before putting it into her ear. Looking at him blankly as she began to nod her head to the beat of the song with a suprised smile on her face. She didn't really expect him to listen to this, but in a way it suit him.

"This is good!" She said before he yanked the headphone out of her ear. "Like I care." he grumbled, turning away from her. She pouted at his attitude, forcing her way into his vision.

"What's your damage, blondie?"

"Don't call me that"

"Okay then. What's your damage, explosion boy?"

"You're not funny."

"Mabye to you."

They both paused.

"What's up with you and Kirishima?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did ya suck his dick too." That wasn't a question. It was an insult, and Yume knew that. Her face fell, and at her silence—Bakugo fully looked at her—taking in her eyes as they dulled.

"What the fuck."

"What? I can only assume, since it seems like you're constantly all over him."

She bit the inside of her cheek. She wasn't going to cry, she never did—but this would be the time if any. She hated the way he shaped his words into bullets that shot through her.

"It's only you Bakugo. It's only ever been you."

She didn't let the silence develop as she got up and went back to her seat. Why was he so frustrating? He didn't even show any remorse! She chose to ignore any negative feelings as she went back to sleep, her head now leaning on the window instead of Kirishima's shoulder...

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