First Day

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Yume stood in front of the display of cosmetics, scanning every product within the cluttered aisle. Since she left Dabi with nothing but a few bucks in her pocket—she had nothing to bring with her for the temporary stay at UA. Though she hated the idea of being forced to fraternize with heros, there was no real way out of it. Even now, as she was shopping, the muzzled hero 'Hound Dog' was attentively watching her every move. She glanced at him quickly before sneaking a tube of mascara into her hoodie pocket. Not even a second later he was towering over her—growling at her to put it back. What a party pooper. Yume checked out her items as the cashier nervously looked between her and Hound Dog, obviously jarred at the fact both a notable hero, and villain, were in front of her. 

Yume walked out of the store with the muzzled hero, pulling her long, greyish-purple hair into a ponytail. As she continued down the street, a vaguely familiar and voice pulled her attention to the street ahead of her. Positioned a block ahead of her, were the boys she had a run in with a day before.

As the distance between them closed, the pair turned to her—recognizing the familiar mauve gaze. "What are you doing out here? I thought we got you locked up." Bakugo inquired accusingly, bringing Yume to a stop. Seems like Aizawa hadn't informed the class of her upcoming community service at their school....she was going to have a bit of fun with this.

"Oh hey blondie and company. That little thing?—Yea, they let me off the hook." Hound Dog growled in response to her little fib but she ignored it, enjoying the change of expression on the boys' faces. 

"How could they just let a villain off the hook like that? It's totally unmanly!" Kirishima's face twisted in disappointment as Bakugo's tense gaze moved from Yume to the hero behind her—his jawline tightening.

"Idiot, she's obviously lying. What's really going on here shitface?" he grumbled, resulting in a defeated huff from Yume. Her lie didn't last long but that didn't mean that she couldn't still have a bit of fun. "Guess you're gonna hafta find that out for yourself on Monday." she retorted, smirking before walking away—Hound Dog following closely behind. 

"The hell did she mean by that?" Bakugo grunted before gritting his teeth and continuing on his path with Kirishima. 


It was now Sunday night and Aizawa was making Yume get her things in order before she had to move to the dorms. As she sat on the floor of the holding cell, sorting through her things, she paused—looking at the a black zip up hoodie in front of her. It was the only thing she had brought with her the day she left Dabi. She felt a bit guilty knowing that he would never see it again; sure, she would borrow his clothes all the time—but this hoodie was his favorite. She inhaled deeply, taking in his lingering scent. This simple black hoodie was now her prized possession, weather she liked it or not. That night she fell asleep slowly, the potential events of the next day keeping her up until she was too exhausted to think of them anymore. 

The next morning she woke up abruptly, a heat between her legs making her sweat. Dabi...his touch, his voice, the look in his eye. She hadn't thought of the hookup in almost a year now and it shocked her so much it made her tremble....or maybe that was for another reason. Nevertheless, the resurgence of emotion made her feel sick—causing her to regret leaving him even more. Though they were only friends when she left, Dabi had once been a source of lust for Yume, and the fact he impacted her this much was aggravating. After all, he only ever fucked her for stress relief and she was fully aware of didn't change the fact he was good though. 

She flushed the blush off her cheeks as she washed her face, looking at herself in the mirror. Damn, she always looked like shit when she woke up. She quickly made herself presentable, slapping on some makeup and doing her hair before a knock at the door signaled her that time was up. 

Aizawa led her to All Might and the rest of class 1A; who were grouped into some sort of training ground. As they got closer, he shot her a look as if to say 'you better behave.' She rolled her eyes in response before he cleared his throat; catching the attention of the group.

"Good morning everyone. As some of you may have seen on the news, this weekend a fight broke out between Dabi and Hawks. At this same fight, a new villain made her debut—that villain being the girl standing beside me..." the groups gaze harshened as they looked at Yume, a green haired boy mumbling 'dust bunny' under his breath. She shifted uncomfortably, all she wanted to do was use her quirk on these brats and run away—but the presence of Aizawa made that impossible. She looked down as he continued, "...anyway, due to a series of unexpected events, the young villain has been placed into our custody for a month. Me and All Might have decided that within that month she will be aiding you with your training. Though she is a villain, she will be staying at the dorms alongside all of you so we can keep an eye on her. With that being said, everyone welcome Hokori Yume." Yume swallowed uncomfortably, she wasn't used to people saying her full name, let alone to a class of scowling students. 

All Might addressed her with a calm smile, his warm presence taking her aback. She turned her focus back to the group in front of her as a blue haired boy with glasses spoke up. "Mr Aizawa sir, I think I speak for the entirety of our class when I say that this is completely preposterous. Having a villain reside in the same quarters as us, let alone watch us train, is extremely dangerous. We have no idea what she's capable of!" Before Aizawa could respond, Yume cut in. 

"Calm your tits four eyes, I'm not gonna try anything. I know when i'm outnumbered." She hated to admit it but it was for the best that she did. If she ignored the fact that she was outnumbered then she would only be hurting herself. The blue haired boy gasped in repulsion at her statement. "How crude!" he yelled out.  Mr Aizawa sighed before speaking.

"Though I don't agree with her wording, Hokori is right Iida. She is going to be constantly surrounded by heros, rendering any effort to escape completely pointless." as Aizawa finished his sentiment, the green haired boy from before spoke up as well. 

"But what's stopping her from calling in backup?" he protested. Yet again, Yume answered before Aizawa could. 

"I'm not contact with any other villains. I'm not going to be a threat to you while i'm here so just drop it." The green haired boy raised an eyebrow at her phrasing but didn't say anything more.  In response to the silence, Aizawa concluded the introduction and excused himself. Though he just another hero, Yume respected Aizawa and partly wished he hadn't left her alone in this uncomfortable situation. 

The students of class 1A turned to mumble to each other; Yume still standing awkwardly in front of them as she absorbed every glare they shot at her. "She is pretty young to be a villain. How did she end up here? How is she gonna help us train? I can't wait to beat her sorry ass. She's kinda hot." Her eyebrow twitched hearing the hushed remarks, and just as she was going to say something in rebuttal, the warm presence from before returned. All Might laid a hand on her shoulder as he spoke. 

"Young Hokori, don't let this bad impression cause you to hold a grudge against class 1A. They're a great group of kids, they have just been conditioned to hate anyone under  the title of 'villain', weather its deserved or not." She didn't care about anything he was saying. She was a villain and they should hate her as much as she hated them. 

All Might patted Yume on the head before turning to the class— who immediately silenced. Though she didn't necessarily care about any of this, she listened attentively as All Might explained the exercise. Basically, she would be placed at a random position within the training ground and the group had to capture her as she kept a constant knowledge of their whereabouts. In a way, All Might was testing her too—trying to figure out how much experience she had in combat and in the field. Yume gladly accepted the challenge, part of her was excited to wipe the floor with these losers....

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