Pool II

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A jolt of electricity shot through Bakugo's body as Hokori's soft breasts pressed against his chest. He immediately let go of her and pushed himself away—shocked at the sudden contact. He couldn't look at her, or the blood which was causing a tent in his swim trunks would rush to his cheeks. He didn't realize how close he had gotten to her— and now he was regretting not being more careful. Did she think he did it on purpose? His worry was interrupted as Kirishima pulled him into a conversation. He had never been so happy to see that bastards face.

As he sat with the group, watching them talk about things that meant nothing to him, his gaze drifted over to Hokori and Kirishima who were leaning on each other. Bakugo wondered how Kirishima could so easily press his shoulder against hers, if it was him he would've jumped at the contact, another person's touch was unpleasant in his world.

He had never really been concerned with anyone else's romantic life, let alone his own, but as he watched Kirishima throw a towel at Hokori's shivering body, he wondered if he should ask him about it. He shook the irritating thought away, he didn't care.

Bakugo stepped into the scorching shower, ready to wash the chlorine out of his hair. As he stood beneath the shower head, water pelting his body, the feeling of Hokori's breasts returned to his chest. A pressure grew in his abdomen, blood rushing down his body. He didn't enjoy thinking about Hokori but he couldn't get the sensation of her skin out of his head. He looked down at his hardened appendage, staring at it in frustration—trying to get it to return to normal, but to no avail. The pressure was starting to become painful and he tilted his head back as his hand wrapped around his throbbing dick. He tried to clear his head, like it usually was when he jerked off, but his skin prickled with the girls lingering touch. He reached out to the side of the shower for support as he continued to pump into his hand. Soon he stopped resisting the thoughts, hoping to finish the task sooner. But it just made his orgasm more intense as he sped up, ropes of his secretion releasing into the drain below him. His body twitched with pleasure before slumping with guilt. He hated not having control, especially over his own body, and the entire ordeal was quite upsetting to him. He grit his teeth as he tried to push the lust filled thoughts out of his head.


Horoki woke up early the next morning, despite the late night, to make pancakes with Todoroki. Since they had made Soba together, her and Todoroki had found themselves cooking together as almost a habit. It was good stress relief and the product was always worth it.

As they finished making the batter, Bakugo walked in—rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he leaned on the wall. "What are you guys making this damn early in the morning?" He questioned, his voice still deep and raspy from waking up. It was more of a complaint than a genuine question but Todoroki didn't seem to pick up on that.

"Pancakes." Todoroki replied astutely. Bakugo stood behind Yume who was pouring the batter onto the sizzling pan—looking over her shoulder. "You're doing it wrong." He said, backseat driving her pancake making skills. She backed into him a bit as she tried to flip the batter on the pan—and in everyone's surprise, succeeding. "Yea right, Im basically a pro!" As Yume moved backwards, her ass lightly grazed against his waist. While it wasn't anything serious, Bakugo found himself craving more friction while also fighting to not push her far far away. Thankfully, she moved away on her own, freeing Bakugo from the emotional torment. Yume looked happier than usual, and Todoroki took note.

"You seem happier today." Todoroki stated, though it seemed like he was trying to ask her why. Yume tilted her head a bit before responding. "I didn't really realize it but yea, I guess I am. I'm just relieved I get to help you guys train again today—it was hell being alone yesterday I was bored out of my mind.

"They keep you in here while we're at class?' Todoroki inquired, a bit of surprise flowing into his voice. Bakugo wasn't aware of that fact either, his ear twitching for a response he slightly wanted to hear. Yume turned to the two boys, placing her hands on her hips matter-of-factly. "Well yea, where else would I go? They have to keep an eye on me incase I try something."

"Oh right, I forgot you were a villain Hokori." Todoroki remarked, causing Yume to frown in disappointment and irritation. She was a villain and she always would be, she reminded herself. "Well youll remember it the day I blow this place to bits!" Yume darkly joked, a small part of her being dead serious. However, the boys didn't take her seriously—Bakugo letting out a small 'Tch".


That day during All Might's class, Yume had to group up with part of class 1A to teach them how a villain would approach various situations as they simulated them—using the other group as the heros. Yume didn't enjoy spilling all the tactics she'd learned, so she held back on sharing her most useful information. She smiled proudly at her little villains in training as they started to catch on to her strategies—Midoriya and Bakugo doing surprisingly well at playing the villain. "Go on, hit em where it hurts Midoriya!" Yume cheered, resulting in a sassy eye roll from Bakugo. Not wanting anyone to seem better at him, he locked in—resulting in more cheers from Yume.

'Woo! Wait to go blondie!! I didn't know you had it in ya!!"

Soon after, the training ended, and with it, the school day. The class returned to the dorm, discussing the class—some surprised at the villains differing fighting style....

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