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The walk back to the dorms was mostly silent. But it was a comfortable silence. And as the two entered the common room, the comfortable silence was replaced by the usual chaotic happenings of class 1A. Uraraka was on the ceiling, using her quirk to float above Denki, Midoriya, and Mineta who were cowering on the couch, staring at Jirou who was chasing a roach. 

Yume immediately burst into laughter, doubling over at the sight. "Stop laughing Hokori! This is serious, roaches can sense sound waves!" Mineta squealed, huddling in closer to the couch. "You guys are ridiculous." she scoffed before sending a slice of air at the creature, causing it to drop dead. She heard Bakugo laugh behind her, a sound that made her want to jump up and down for an unreasonable amount of time. Midoriya cried tears of joy as he watched Jirou throw out the bugs body. That guy seemed to tear up over everything, it was oddly entertaining. "You are my saviour oh beautiful goddess Hokori!" Mineta exclaimed, rushing over to Yume and squishing his body against her. She always forgot Mineta was the same age as them, she always saw him as someone's weird little kid. As he started reaching for her ass, Bakugo punted him like a ball, sending him rocketing into a nearby wall. She looked over at Bakugo, tilting her head in shock and confusion at the action. Cute. Instead of explaining, he turned away from her–walking to his dorm. 

The week passed fast now that Yume was actually going to classes, and that Friday afternoon, the class found themselves discussing a weekend trip to the Agatsuma district to visit the Sainokawara hot springs. Growing up in the city, Yume had never gone to a hotspring–giving the class even more of a reason to visit. 

The following morning, the class piled into a bus which they would be in for the next four hours. Within thirty minutes, the bus was filled with chaos. Denki, Mineta, and Kirishima were doodling on a sleeping Iida's face, Mina and Jirou were blasting music, and Bakugo was yelling at someone for something that wasn't worth the trouble. The others were indulging in their own little antics, causing Hokori to beam in pure enjoyment. However, she felt a bit left out. Everyone seemed to be in their little groups. The thought caused her to slump down in her seat, letting her gaze to wander to the window. Almost immediately she felt a weight develop next to her. She turned to see a exasperated Bakugo with a stain on his shirt. She was glad to see him.

"What happened to you, blondie?" She teased, eyeing the stain. "Pink cheeks spilled her fucking drink on me. Clumsy bitch." Hokori frowned at the sentiment but a smile was fighting its way through. "Ease up on her, I think it's adorable." He raised an eyebrow at her words. "Adorable?" He questioned, his tone dry. "Yea, she's like the cutest little thing ever." He rolled his eyes. "I dont see it." It was weird hearing her speak about someone the way he thought of her. 

The rest of the ride went by fast, the excitement building as the bus pulled into the entrance of the resort which accompanied the hot springs. Since they got there at about noon, they had plenty of time to explore the surrounding forest before entering the hot springs. The group got changed for the outdoors before meeting up at the start of the forest. Momo had packed a picnic with her and the group trekked out to find a nice clearing to set up. As Hokori admired the her surroundings, a small rabbit caught her eye. Challenging herself, she began to follow it–attempting to capture it. As it led her away from the group, Kirishima noticed her absence. 

"Yo, does anyone know where Hokori is?" The group fell silent as they all realized she was no longer there. 

"I swear she was here just a moment ago..." Momo started, a panic starting to set in. Bakugo grit his teeth as he went through the possible scenarios. Was she kidnapped? Are there villains? Did she run away? Was this a trap that she was luring them into? His train of thought was broken by Kirishima yelling out her name. As his voice echoed throughout the woods they heard rustling in the bushes, the group raised their guards as they waited for whatever was moving to reveal itself. 

To their surprise it was an untouched, other than some leaves in her hair, Hokori. The group shared a mutual sigh of relief. Just as they were about to scold her like a child she blurted out in excitement "YOU GUYS HAVE TO SEE THIS!" They were taken aback by her excitement but they followed her as she hopped through the forest. 

As she slowed to a stop they took a look around, taking in the view of the waterfall and the oasis beneath it. She slightly bounced up and down in excitement, awaiting their reactions. "Eek its so beautiful!" Asui exclaimed, setting down the picnic bag that Momo gave her. 

As they sat down for lunch, Yume couldn't take her eyes off the sparkling blue water. As she finished her food, her intrusive thoughts got the better of her and she stood up from the blanket they were all sitting on. The group continued with their conversation, just a few curious eyes following her. As she approached the water she took of her shirt and shorts, now in her underwear. 

"HOKORI WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?!" Denki exclaimed as blood shot from his nose. She pouted in his direction. "What does it look like i'm doing, zappy? she retorted as she lowered herself into the water. "y-your in your underwear.." Midoriya weakly remared, looking away from her. "So what? It's just like a bikini right?" Her brow furrowed in confusion. She didn't get what the big deal was as her gaze drifted to Bakugo whose jaw was tensed, his face painted with blush as he looked away from her. Uraraka laughed nervously at the situation, recognizing that Hokori was partly right, but at the same time, so so very wrong. As Mineta let out some pervy remark, Bakugo shot up, walking over to the water as well and taking off his shirt. 

"Since you're so worried about getting your damn clothes wet, put this can't just be naked infront of everyone, dumbass."

"But i'm not naked! I'm wearing-" Her argument was cut off as Bakugos shirt landed on her head. Being stubborn, she refused to put it on. Causing Bakugo to jump into the water in rage, forcing the shirt onto her. They were now both angrily splashing in the water, causing Mina to laugh and pull out her polaroid camera, taking a picture of the two as the rest of the group laughed as well...

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