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As Bakugo laid awake in bed, he racked his mind—trying to quell the feeling that he was forgetting something. Suddenly it hit him, he had forgotten to give Hokori his homework which was due the next morning. Not wanting to sacrifice his grade, he walked over to her dorm, loudly knocking on her door. After getting zero response, he knocked again—ready to yell, but he was cut off by Hokori's sleepy voice.

"I'm coming, I'm coming.." she groaned as she opened the door, looking somewhat surprised to see Bakugo standing there as she tilted her head upwards to face him. "What do you want?" She whined, fatigue dripping off her voice. It took Bakugo all he had to actually open his mouth and respond, his eyes stuck to the image of her in, presumably, nothing but a large t-shirt and socks. Her nipples slightly poked out of the thin fabric, making his ears hot before he snapped his gaze to hers. He hoped she didn't catch him staring. "Homework." he said vaguely before pushing the papers into her hand. She looked down at the papers before rolling her eyes and groaning—raking a hand through her bedhead.

"You can't give me attitude, you agreed." he scoffed, looking away from her.

"Your homework already gave me enough trouble last time!! Plus, I was sleeping." she argued, a frown on her face as the sleepy haze slowly left her eyes.

"Too bad." He spat. In reality, he could easily do the homework himself, but he liked having some sort of control over Hokori.

"Come onnn, at least help me with it since you're here?" she pleaded—ticking Bakugo off at the fact she really thought he would ever do that.

"No chance. Better be done before I get back, I want to sleep too." as he finished his threat, he walked away—a malevolent smirk on his face.

A brisk thirty minutes later, Bakugo returned to Hokori's dorm, except, this time he didn't have to knock. The door was slightly open, allowing him to open it fully from the outside. Inside he saw Hokori face down on her bed, asleep next to the (mostly) completed homework. Her oversized t-shirt had ridden up, exposing her lace panties which were previously hidden beneath it. He slammed the door shut as soon as he noticed, his jaw tensing in a mix of emotion.

In response to the door slamming, he heard her begin to wake up.

"Blondie?" She questioned faintly from inside, prompting him to clear his throat—attempting to push down the lump that had appeared there.

"Yea it's me, let me in."

Hokori did as he said, the homework gripped loosley in her hand.  "I couldn't finish it all..but in my defense you only gave me, like, ten minutes!" in her world, Bakugo was the real villain here.

He snatched the papers from her. "Whatever." Hokori pouted, "what? No thank you?"

"In what world would I do that."

"This one, preferably." she smirked expectantly

"Keep dreaming."

"I was, before your loud ass woke me up."

Bakugo scoffed before walking away, ending the banter.

"Sleep well Bakugo."

He momentarily paused, not used to hearing his name in her mouth.

"You too."


As class 1A left for their studies, Yume prepared to spend another day rotting in the dorms—however, she was surprised with All Mights presence.

"Good morning young Horoki, I am here, in your dorm!" he boomed as his overwhelmingly warm presence engulfed her. 

"Hey All Might, what's up?" she said hesitantly, recovering from his enthusiastic entrance.

"Well, we need to have a bit of a talk." his slight change of tone made Yume's frame tense up. She slightly raised an eyebrow, prompting him to continue.

"First I wanted to commend you on your good behavior so far, you've helped my class progress more than you could ever know...however, as your month of community service comes to an end—I have something more to ask of you."

At All Mights vague words, Yume feared an additional punishment—causing her to blurt out in anticipation "Well? Spit it out old man!"

All Mights cleared his throat before continuing. "As me and the additional staff at UA watched you train class 1A, it became quite obvious that you hold a powerful quirk—as well as a quick wit.."

"-Skip the flattery!,—What is it All Might?"

"Well, Hokori...Aizawa and I decided that maybe it would be beneficial, for both parties, if you attend UA high for the rest of class 1A's final year. Of course, this would only happen with your permission..."

Yume's mouth hung open, she was expecting literally anything other than this. She was at a loss, she tried to speak but she couldn't form a sentence—a small squeak coming out of her in shock.

"It would be best if you don't try to decide anything right now, it's a big request after all. I'll check in with you again at the end of the month—or in about a week. Try not to lose any sleep over this."

All Might didn't give Yume a chance to respond as he exited the dorm, gently closing the door behind him. It should've been easy to decide, after all, all she's wanted to do since arriving was to return to her life of crime. She grimaced at the prospect of becoming soft, however, it only affected her because it was the truth. She had been worn down by the young heroes, whether she wanted to admit it or not.....

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