Hot Springs

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As the sun began to set, class 1A started the trek back to the resort, their bodies eager for the soothing hot springs and the exorbitant dinner which awaited them. Bakugo and Yume were still a bit wet from jumping into the water, the cold wind making them shiver with regret.

Yume was still wearing Bakugo's shirt as he carried her clothes shirtless. She looked at him sympathetically as the wind hit his bare chest.

"You can wear my shirt since I'm wearing yours!" She joked, resulting in an eye roll from him. However, she saw a small smirk form at the corner of his lips—making her heart throb.

"Oh please, I would tear that little thing to pieces." He added confidently.

"Funny, I thought the same thing when I saw your shirt."

He fully laughed at her joke and she gasped before beaming at him. "Ha! You laughed! You think I'm funny!" He put his hand over his mouth as he held back another laugh. "Let it out big guy, I wanna hear it!" She teased, only making him struggle more. The way she was egging him on was so stupid that it was funny to him.

"Leave me alone!" He yellled as he picked up the pace. But she continued to follow him, laughing all the way. God was he just so cute. It was funny how could so easily switch between being a menace to.. whatever this was. It was what she liked about him.

The class soon arrived at the hot springs, taking their clothes off in the towel house. Since it was communal, the girls changed first, the guys following them. However, the class split up into different springs by gender. As Hokori sunk into the water, she felt her muscles release. She closed her eyes as she let the warmth envelop her, she listened impartially as the girls talked.

In what seemed like no time, the girl were exited in the springs—saying they were going to dry off before dinner. Yume enjoyed the heat of the springs too much to leave so they left her there. She counted her breaths for a bit before getting up to go to the towel house, wanting to catch up to the girls. As she stood up and wrapped the towel around her, she noticed the guys were mostly gone as well. She enter the towel house, but just as she was about to get dressed, someone walked in.

She clutched the towel back up to her chest as she saw Bakugo walk in, his towel loosely hanging around his waist. She expected him to apologize and leave but he just stood there, the darkness of the room making his crimson eyes glow as he looked down at her. He walked closer, letting his towel fall down more. She clutched hers closer against her body, she was afraid of letting him see her completely naked.

Not a word was spoken as he gently grabbed her hands, leading them away from the towel—letting it fall. He wanted to see all of her. As the towel fell, she positioned her arm over her breasts. He scoffed before grabbing her arm, pulling her into a kiss.

As they made out his hand squeezed in between her thighs, teasing her clit with his big fingers. Her body tensed as he touched her, she wasn't expecting this. She could feel his dick harden against her as he slowly slipped in one of his fingers, making her moan.

"Damn. You're tight as hell." He groaned, starting to move his finger inside of her, loosening her up. Her body rocked against him, her breath picking up as she tilted her head back.

"Look at me." He demanded as he grabbed the back of her head with his free hand, making her look into his eyes as he let another finger enter her. Already, two seemed like more than enough, every slight movement making her twitch. She struggled to hold his gaze as her lids fluttered with pleasure.

"Fuck." she gasped, her body getting closer to a climax by the second. As she started to move her hips eagerly along with his fingers, they heard someone open the door on the unseen side of the towel-house.

"Yo Bakugo, is that you?" Kirishima yelled out into the darkness of the room. Yume squeezed her eyes shut as Bakugon continued despite the interruption, trying to stifle any moans.

" it's just-mm-me Kirishima." Bakugo smiled malevolently at her struggle, enjoying having this power over her.

"Ah sorry Hokori, I just wanted to say that dinner is ready. Make sure to pass the message onto Bakugo, Kay?" Kirishima closed the door again, allowing Yume to exhale. However her heartbeat quickly sped up again as Bakugo changed his technique, going faster as he kissed her neck, slightly biting into it.

The feeling of him being all over her made the climax arrive faster, her body tightening around his fingers as her legs started to slightly shake. As she came, he continued—only stopping once she was finished. He slowly pulled out, her wetness visible on his fingers as he licked it off. She had no idea he was such a freak, but she loved it. His dick twitched against her, the pleasure of watching her cum on his fingers showing in his rigidity.

"Dinner time." He stated calmly, his voice raspy as he got dressed quickly—walking out the door and to the resort.

She touched her neck, lightly feeling around the place he kissed her as she tried to register what just happened.

She sat down to dinner with the others, eyeing the large spread of food in front of her as they all gave thanks. She quickly devoured the meal, her stomach begging for food after the recent events.
Though the food was good, she was still focused on Bakugo. He sat a couple seats over from her, calmly eating his food as if he hadn't just made her cum a few minutes ago...

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