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Bakugo was waiting for the girls to get ready, along with the rest of the class. He leaned on the wall by the  entrance as he impartially listened into the conversation around him. Kirishima was fired up with excitement over the revelation that Hokori would be staying at UA. He couldn't help but smirk to himself, knowing her was the only one who knew ahead of time—no doubt that his words contributed to her final decision. However the conversation suddenly fell flat, causing him to look in the direction they were staring. His body straightened as he saw Hokori walk towards them, the rest of the girls following behind her. He had never seen her like this before. Sure, she wasn't usually..terrible to look at. But all dressed up like this, she looked..good. Really damn good.

He swallowed hard as she approached him, breaking away from the girls as they met up with the others and began walking out the door.

"You were right Bakugo!" he didn't like the way his body twitched at her words.

"I'm always right, you're gonna hafta be more specific loser." he sneered, trying to hide his appreciation with his usual aggressive tone. She rolled her eyes before answering.

"About the decision. You were right, it's starting to feel like I made the right choice." He was glad to hear her say that, but he was never going to show it.

"Oh yea. I was kind of hoping that you would decide to leave." he lied, in his world-- this response was better.

"Sure big guy, whatever helps you sleep at night." She laughed before shuffling away to join the rest of the group to the train station.


The group filtered into the train, attracting plenty of looks from people who either admired them or recognized them. The train was packed, causing Bakugo to be squeezed between Denki  who was in front of him, and a random person. Bakugo hated being touched, so the feeling of people's bodies brushing up against his made him want to blow up the entire train. As the train abruptly came to a stop, Hokori lost balance as she fell between Denki and Bakugo. Bakugo stopped her before she hit the ground, wrapping an arm around her out of instinct. He quickly retracted the arm as Hokori straightened in front of him, turning her head to give him a thankful look. As the train started up again, her back was pressed against Bakugo. He could smell her scent as her head tilted into his chest. She smelled like some kind of fruit or candy he couldn't quite recognize. He tried to back up but he was blocked by another body. As the train continued, Hokori's body rubbed against his—causing a slight friction at his waist. He found himself looking forward to each turn and stop, craving more of the friction that was formed between her ass and the zipper of his pants. He gripped the pole of the train, praying that she didn't notice the contact—while also trying to will away the unsavory thoughts. It didn't help that her scent was still lingering around him.

His personal hell came to an end as the train approached their stop, allowing him to pull away from Hokori. "Thank god for those reflexes of yours." she teased as she walked past him, catching up with Denki and Jiro. He let his breath calm down as she seemed oblivious to what was happening on the train.


Yume's eyes grew as she looked to the fair. She had never seen so many people happily assembled into one space outside. She stopped herself as she thought of the way she could so easily turn their squeals of excitement into screams of terror. Asui's voice provided a distraction as she questioned her.

"So Hokori, what do you wanna do first since it's your first time here?" Yume considered the inquiry as she analyzed the fair.

"I want to go on as many rides as possible! I'm a sucker for a thrill." Kirishima laughed at her response, cutting in.

"That totally makes sense for you 'Kori'!" He remarked, prompting an eyebrow raise from Yume.


"Yeah, it's a nickname. I figured you should get one since you're officially staying!" She felt her cheeks get weirdly warm at the nickname.

"Cute. I like it." At her words, Kirishima wrapped an arm around her, squeezing her shoulder.

"Even if you didn't, you wouldn't have a choice!" He joked, causing the others to laugh. Bakugo watched silently from behind. He found the way he so casually touched her to be strange.

As they entered  the fair, Yume lived up to her words, dragging anyone around her into the line of another ride. At one point, that person was Bakugo.

"Oh come awn blondie! It'll be fun!! You seem like you would love this sorta thing."

Bakugo glanced at the lengthy rollercoaster, tracing its multiple loops with his eyes. He hated roller coasters because he had zero control. He was strapped into a seat and forced to stay still as the ride threw him across its tracks. If it were to fail, he would be defenseless. His gaze then traveled back to Hokori who was looking up at him pleadingly. He furrowed his brow in irritation.

"Fine." He was taken aback by his own answer, he wanted to tell her to fuck off—but he didn't. At his response, she grabbed his arm, rushing him into the line. He watched her stoically as she rocked with excitement. This was the final ride on her list. By now, the sun was setting—casting a beautiful light across the park. Bakugo analyzed the way it lit up her eyes and hair, causing him to notice hues in her that he never noticed before.

In what seemed like an instant, he was being pinned down by the bar of the roller coaster, his jaw tensing as the ride got ready to propel forward...

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