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The ride shot off, causing Bakugo's body to be pushed into the back of his seat, the wind whipping at his face. As the coaster stopped at the peak, Hokori grabbed Bakugo's hand, an excited expression plastered on her face as the coaster dropped and she screamed—squeezing his hand until it turned red. He tried to pull it away but her grip was unwavering. As the ride came to and end she let go of him, the look of excitement still on her face. He wasted no time getting off the ride. He thought it was kinda lame, even if the drop was a little fun. As he turned to face Hokori who had caught up to him he smirked, noticing that her hair was a mess.

"What?" She questioned as she looked up at him.

"Your hair is a total mess." He remarked, a laugh forming in his voice. She pouted at his words, trying to fix her hair but only making it worse.

He laughed at her efforts, crossing his arms at his chest. "You're just making it worse." She stopped trying and frowned at him. Crossing her arms back at him.

"A little help?" She expected him to just tell her which pieces needed to be fixed, but instead he sighed before taking matters into his own hands—straightening out her hair himself. At his actions she slightly flinched, her eyes in level with his collarbone as he leaned over her. After what felt like years, he stepped back, looking proudly at his work.

"Done." He said, an untelling look on his face. Yume's heart was still beating faster than usual, her mouth felt dry as she opened it to reply. However she never got the chance—Kirishima came up to them, a giant onigiri in his hand.

"You guys HAVE to try this!" Before they could answer, he pulled them to the stand he came from, waiting with them in line.

As they waited, Yume overheard the conversation of the two boys behind them. They were talking about Dabi and how they saw he had been captured on the UA campus on the news. Bakugo looked over to Yume as he overheard it too. Her brow was pinched together, her jaw visibly clenching and unclenching. Luckily, the tension broke as Kirishima handed them the giant onigiris. As Yume thanked the worker for the food and turned around, they boys' eyes grew wide.

"Hey! Aren't you that villain from the news?! Dust Bunny, the one who made her debut while assisting Dabi?!" One of the two boys exclaimed, causing others around them to turn a nervous head.

"Actually I.." Yume started to respond but she was immediately interrupted.

"Someone look for a hero!" The other boy yelled out into the crowd. Yume backed up, looking around nervously as people began to panic. Nobody wanted to listen, and she didn't want to make matters worse. She didn't know what to do. Suddenly, a strong arm pushed her back.

"YOU EXTRAS, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!" Bakugo yelled out into the crowd, causing everyone to stop what they were doing as they recognized him as the young hero, Dynamight. They put down their phones nervously before going back to the way they were before. The boys from before had already run away.

Yume turned to Bakugo, grabbing his arm to bring his attention back to her as she looked up at him, a look he's never seen before splayed across her face.

"Thank you blondie." She remarked sincerely, looking at him so intently it felt to him like she was looking through him. He paused before shrugging her off, looking away as he spoke.

"Whatever. Those guys were starting to piss me off with their mumbling anyway." He said begrudgingly before shoving his hands in his pockets. "Plus, since you're staying, you're kinda one of us now." He started walking away to find the rest of the group before she could answer. She caught up to him and Kirishima, eating her onigiri in silence as Bakugo did the same, Kirishima talking enough for all of them as he told them about what he did at the fair that day. The sky was now dark, the moon clear in the inky sky.

As Kirishima, Yume, and Bakugo met up with the rest of the group, fireworks began to paint the sky, causing the crowd to cheer and watch with awe. Yume's head was tilted up to the sky, a stoic look on her face as she watched the explosions in the sky.

The day finally came to an end and class 1A filtered into the, now less stuffed, train car—the lights of the city blurring across the windows with speed. The students were joyously recounting their day together, some interrogating Yume on her quest to ride every attraction.

Atfer a while, the conversation died down and Yume sat down on the train next to Bakugo, a sigh escaping her mouth as she tilted her head back.

"What's your damage?" Bakugo grumbled, side eyeing her. She let out a tired chuckle, her eyes remaining closed as she spoke.

"I didn't realize how much a day at the fair could take out of me." A yawn clouded the end of her response, the corners of her eyes watering. Bakugo let out a small 'hmph' before pausing. Breaking the silence with another question.

"What were you thinking about during the fireworks? You had this weird look on your face. It was gross."

She squeezed her eyes before opening them and turning her head to face him. "Oh I was just wondering what it would look like if your quirks explosions were replaced with pretty fireworks." The way she said it so nonchalantly made a laugh grow in his chest, but he didn't release it.

"My quirk is badass. It's not supposed to be pretty."

"Yea I know, it's painfully obvious that's what you're going for."

"Tch. So you were thinking about me huh? What a freak."

Yume rolled her eyes in response, leaning her body closer to his seat as she tilted to the side.

"Don't give yourself so much credit. It was less about you and more about your quirk." For some odd reason, her voice suddenly sounded attractive, the way she spoke making the innocent sentence dirty. The way she looked at him in that moment drove him insane...

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