Chest First

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Yume jumped from building to building as All Might continued to update her on the groups whereabouts. Rather than running away, she decided to take out the group one by one. As All Might had explained; once you tap an opponent on the chest, they are eliminated.  All Yume had to do was sneak up on them—gradually drawing them away to eliminate them. The class had decided to split up into smaller groups to cover more ground, seemingly playing right into Yume's hands. As she soared through the air, she heard voices, slowing to a stop. She crept closer, listening in.

"Denki you need to keep your voice down, yelling will only let Hokori know where we are.." A girl with short, dark purple hair warned. The yellow haired boy who she was addressing cracked a confident grin before continuing.

"So what if she hears us, Jiro? She's only one girl and if she got captured the day after her debut, how good could she really be?" Denki said, pride filling his chest. Jiro sighed, her fingers nervously weaving through the wire which protruded from her earlobe.

"I guess you're right, but we should still be careful, since she's new we have no idea what her quirk is or how it works." Another member of the group scoffed, pulling Yume's attention away from the two.

"Speak for yourself, me and Kirishima already had a run in with her. Trust me, she's not a threat." Yume rolled her eyes, this Bakugo guy was a full time asshat.

"I don't know Bakugo.. she kinda seemed like a threat when she sent your own explosion back at ya." Kirishima lilted, a laugh in his voice.

"SHUT THE HELL UP SHITTY HAIR!" as Bakugo yelled, the others laughed. This was her chance! Now that they were distracted, she leapt into action; heading straight for Jiro who was closest to her. She caused the dust in front of their eyes to pull together, shielding her presence as she pushed her hand into the middle of Jiros chest.

"Ugh-Hey! She got me!" Jiro yelped, causing Denki to send zaps of electricity in her direction, blindly aiming for Yume. She quickly evaded the attack, now rushing to the other wing of the group— planting a hand on Kirishima's hardened chest.

"Shit, now she's over here you guys!" With two of the four already out, Yume smiled to herself, 'not a threat' her ass! She then felt heat push into her back— sending her flinging forward onto the ground. Bakugo was standing over her as the smoke and dust parted, explosions manifesting from his hands menacingly.

"About time you came to fight." he sneered, sending a right hook towards her. He didn't just want to get her out, he wanted to beat her. At this jarring realization, Yume jumped to her feet, running away.

"Midoriya, Uraraka, Sero, and Iida are 50 feet ahead and to the left." All Might stated, continuing to fill her in through the earpiece on the side of her head. She continued to run away from Bakugo who was blasting after her. Approaching the turn that would lead her to the second group, Yume turned to feed dust into Bakugo's lungs—causing him to slow down in a coughing fit. She quickly turned into the alleyway, not letting the blonde see her change of direction.

"It's weird having an actual villain train with us..even if she is just some amateur." a girl with short brown hair remarked to her green haired companion.

"I don't know Uraraka..I think the fact she was in cahoots with Dabi tells us that she wasn't just some thug." the green haired boy mumbled to himself. Hm. At least he recognized that she might have a little talent.

"Are ya sure Midoriya? I mean, she seemed kinda normal when Mr. Aizawa was introducing her." a boy with longer black hair added.

"No Sero, I think he's right. From what I know—Dabi isn't one to have thugs as partners." Iida stated in rebuttal. Yume smiled to herself in satisfaction, her ego was being stroked and she was enjoying the change of pace. However, as Bakugo's gruff voice bounced through the alleyway, she knew it was time to act.

She quickly sent wind knocking into Iida and Sero, tagging them both as they stumbled backwards. "My ears are burning!" she joked, referencing their conversation as she made her entrance. She whipped around to face Uraraka and Midoroya but they were fast on their feet—already distancing themselves from her and switching gears.

At that moment, Bakugo arrived to the scene as well, his face twisting into a disappointed scowl as he noticed Midoriya and his defeated companions.

"How could you guys let yourselves lose to a damn amateur like her?!" he roared as he aimed another blast at Yume.

"Wait Bakugo-!" Uraraka started, but it was too late. Bakugo sent the blast hurtling towards Yume—Uraraka getting caught in the crossfire, the blast sending her into the wall of a nearby building. Yume landed next to her, scrambling up to her feet—but not before she tapped Uraraka's chest, getting her out as well. "Five players are out with twenty minutes still on the clock!" All Might announced, constituting a groan from Uraraka and a laugh from Yume.

"Not so fast Hokori!" Midoriya announced as he shot off the walls of the alleyway, his body illuminated with green sparks of light as he propelled towards her. She didn't have time to move away from the attack, but as Midoriya crashed into her; she positioned her palms in front of her body. As she opened her eyes from the impact, she was pleased to see her hands on his chest. "Gotcha!" she cheered, slipping out from under him.

"Wha- no!" The green haired boy squealed defeatedly before letting his head hang in disappointment. Y/N turned to face Bakugo—whose eyes were twitching in dissatisfaction from his classmates performance.

"It's your turn pretty boy, come at me." Bakugo scrunched his nose in response to the unwanted nickname before running towards her, his gauntlets at his side. She knew she would be the type to hate that nickname, and that's why she said it. She readied herself to shoot out another attack of wind and dust but, at the last second, Bakugo jumped to the side; using his body to crash into her, consequently taking her to the ground. He reached for her chest but she sent dust into his eyes, using the chance to wriggle out from under him and quickly run away....

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