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Bakugo's entire body was rigid. Hokori had fallen asleep on his shoulder. Well, more specifically, she fell asleep next to him on the train and a bump made her fall over onto his shoulder. Nevertheless, her head was on his shoulder. He wanted to shove her off, but something about her deep and shaky breaths made him hold back. It seemed like she had been waiting to finally get some real rest.

Bakugo tried to relax, letting his shoulders slowly lower and his back to touch the seat. His breath calmed down as well, his head leaning against the wall slowly. Just as his heart rate started to lower, a phone camera pointed in his direction, causing him to shoot back up to his previous position.

"What the hell do you think you're doing pink cheeks?!" He whisper screamed, subconsciously trying not to wake up Hokori. Uraraka giggled, the girls behind her doing the same.

"How could I not capture this moment, you guys look so cute I'll have to show-" Bakugo angrily interrupted Uraraka, his hands in firsts on his lap.

"You won't fucking show anyone anything, ya got that?" Uraraka nervously nodded, retreating back to the group of girls behind her. Why did everyone always have to go and make things weird with romance?

The train arrived at their stop, prompting Bakugo to shake Hokori awake, her eyes fluttering open nervously before she shot up, eagerly apologizing for putting him in the position. Thought he didn't mind, he let her apologize.

As Uraraka looked over at the two, Bakugo shot her a nasty look, causing the smile to fade off her face. She was now too intimidated to even speak to Hokori in front of him.

They finally arrived at the dorms, Hokori immediately retreating to her room—leaving the rest of the class to speak amongst themselves. Everyone was happily discussing what it would be like to have Hokori as a permanent part of their class, except for Iida who had an irritated look on his face.

"Can't you all see? Having this villain stay is a bad thing."

The class went silent, confused and shocked looks on their faces. Jiro spoke up first.

"But Iida, you seemed okay with it all this time?"

"That was when I thought it was temporary. I am truly disappointed with the way our teaches are handling this. They are supposed to keep us safe but now they have us permanently living with a villain!"

Bakugo grit his teeth in frustration at Iida's words. That damn nerd always had something to say. All he wanted to do was punch the words out of his mouth and keep him silent.

"She isn't a villain anymore Iida! She's one of us. She wants to be a hero!" Uraraka argued, the others agreeing

"That may be part of a bigger scheme...we have no idea what she's thinking." 

Mina was about to argue further but footsteps from the hallway silenced the entire group as they stared at the entrance to the room.

Out stepped a yawning Hokori, whose hair was wet from a recent shower—her oversized hoodie decorated with wet spots. Her innocent appearance made Iidas statement seem awfully ironic. She looked around the room at everyone's eyes, her hand rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"Oh hey guys... what's up?" The crowd laughed nervously. At that moment it was obvious nobody believed what Iida said.

"Nothing, we're just too awake to go to sleep!" Kirishima said, Hokori nodding before walking into the kitchen and grabbing a glass of water, emerging again to sit next to Bakugo on the couch casually. She looked around unsuspectingly at the still silent group, the only noise being her drinking her water. At that moment, Sero burst into laughter looking at Hokori.

"What's so funny?" She asked begrudgingly—Mina laughing as well before answering her.

"Nothing Hokori, you're just so cute!" Bakugo frowned at Mina's words. Hokori was a lot of things, but he wouldn't consider her cute. Hokori laughed at Mina's statement, causing the rest of the class to laugh as well, the pressure melting away.

"You guys are so weird." Hokori said, a laugh weaving between her words. Bakugo jabbed her with his elbow.

"You're sure one to talk."

She rolled her eyes at him before returning her attention to the group who had started another conversation. Bakugo watched her as she listened attentively, her glass remaining at her lips in focus as she periodically took little sips. Maybe she was a little cute. As the conversation continued, Hokori leaned more into Bakugo's side, the smell of her freshly washed hair filling his nose. He shoved her a little to tell her to get off but she just shoved him back, staying in her position as she continued to keep her focus on the conversation. He grumbled to himself, crossing his arms in retaliation.

Soon it got late and everyone returned to their room, Bakugo and Hokori going to their floor together in silence. As he slowed down to approach his door she looked up at him, almost as if she was expecting something from him. He looked between her and the door—his eyebrow raising in confusion. The was a pause before Hokori let out a sigh.

"Night blondie." She said, disappointment mixing into her tone as she walked past him and towards her own dorm.

"Night." He grumbled back, he wasn't the best at reading situations like this—did he do something wrong? God he hated sensitive people. He was hoping Hokori wasn't one...

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