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Yume didn't want to spend her first hours of liberation fighting some little high schoolers, (even if they were the same age)— but it seemed she had no other choice as an explosion was aimed towards her.

She quickly used the particles in the air to redirect the blow back to the blonde, remaining untouched as he flew backwards. However, he was quickly on his feet again as him and his redheaded companion rushed towards her. She continued to dodge the redhead, who she finally recognized as 'Red Riot' from the news, but the the blonde, 'Dynamight', quickly pushed her to the ground, his knee jutting into her back to keep her down.

"Now, you can either tell us what you're doing here or I can rearrange your face with a single blast." As he spoke, Yume felt a faint heat lap the back of her neck, followed by a series of crackles and pops. 

"Jeez Bakugo, don't cha think you're being a little harsh?  I mean, she looks like she's practically the same age as us.. if not younger." In response to Red Riot's statement they both scoffed. At the slightly unexpected sound, Bakugo's weight faltered before he quickly jabbed his knee deeper into her back. 

"What's so funny shithead?" He spat—making Yume regret her sass as his knee dug in deeper. "Nothing, the red head is right should let me go." Bakugo replied with a slight 'tch' before opening his apprehensive mouth yet again.

"Like hell I would, you still haven't told us why you're here." In all honesty, she could easily tell them the truth.. but something was stopping her. It may have been her pride, or embarrassment—nevertheless, her mouth was staying shut. She felt a heat, once again, lap at the back of her neck as a pair of black boots appeared in front of her. 

"What exactly is going on here boys?" a monotone voice filled the space, causing Yume to avert her gaze upwards. It was the eraser hero 'Eraserhead'. Red Riot  began to provide a hesitant answer before being cut off by little explosion boy.

"This villain trash showed up while we were training, she attacked us and now she won't tell us why she's here." His weight dug into her as he spat the response at Eraserhead—who raised an unamused eyebrow while analyzing Yume. 

"Dust Bunny, is it? Did anyone else come here with you?—I suggest telling the truth as..of right now, you're severely overpowered." She gulped, knowing that he was right.

"No I'm here alone. Like I already told these little bastards, I was just on a walk. This is in no way an attack on the little program you have going here." Her words were blunt yet truthful (partly), and Eraserhead seemed to recognize it as his brow furrowed. 

"Bakugo get off her-" he started, immediately being met with Bakugo's gruff voice. "The hell do you mean? We can't just let her go-" Eraserhead quickly regained his vocal priority. "I never said we're letting her go." He looked down at Yume before addressing her, "We're going to be taking you into custody, even if you didn't plan an attack—you're still a villain who engaged in a large-scale fight last night." She sighed begrudgingly, it was her first day flying solo and she had already been captured—she didn't even have the chance to be a true villain. Nevertheless, she cooperated as Red Riot brought her to her feet—Eraserhead leading them to a secluded room in the UA building nearby. As the boys left, Eraserhead turned to her. 

"Stay here, we'll have a detective come in to question you about your connection to the villain Dabi and the attack you participated in last night." His voice contained zero reservation or fluff, which she appreciated. She always preferred someone who spoke their mind and that wasv part of the reason she was so close with Dabi. She slightly grimaced as memories of Dabi entered her mind—she was starting to really regret leaving him.


The questioning soon ended and Yume exhaled in relief—since she was already in trouble, she decided to tell nothing but the truth—hoping that it would lessen her jail time. Because she was a new villain with barely any previous charges, the Police didn't really know what to do with her... especially considering that she had cooperated with all their requests. The frown lines on the detectives face deepened as he looked over her file. 

"Since you're just a child and your only real offense on record was adulterated by Dabi—we won't be incarcerating you. However-" The tired looking man was cut off by Yume's dry voice. 

"I'm not a child, I turned 18 a couple days ago." The man raised a bushy eyebrow.

"Im sorry...are you saying you want to be put behind bars?" Yume paused, she was so eager to correct him that she hadn't thought of the consequences of being an adult. 

"No." She quickly responded, a hint of disappointment in her voice. 

"Right, well then i'll just continue to charge you as a minor and ignore that little admittance of yours." He wrote something down on her file before looking back up and continuing. "Because you still committed a crime and encroached onto UA's private property, I will be subjecting you to community service." Yume's brow twitched, she'd never faced a real consequence before. 

"What kind of community service?" she quickly inquired as the detective started easing out of his chair. "Whatever kind Mr. Eraserhead wants you to." Huh? She got up aswell, following the exasperated man to the door. He turned to look at her as he twisted the knob. "Stay in here."

Defeated, Yume sat back down—staring at the frayed laces of her shoes while she waited for any kind of update or distraction. Finally, her prayer was answered as Eraserhead slunk into the room. Her gaze stuck to him as he sat down across from her, a deadpan expression on his face. 

"For community service you will be assisting All Might with battle training, in regards to our hero course here at UA. Since you seem to have a decent level of skill in fighting and because you interrupted Bakugo and Kirishima, its only fair." Yume groaned at his impartial statement—she didn't want to have to be around these privileged brats who dared to call themselves heroes. 

"For how long?" she questioned, a slight whine to her voice which the tired looking man addressed with an eye twitch. "A month." Yume opened her mouth to complain but a glare from Eraserhead kept her quiet. "Calm down. It'll fly by, plus its a mere slap on the wrist compared to what I would have decided." Her brow furrowed in confusion. 

"Whaddya' mean by that Eraserhead? I thought you were the one deciding this punishment."  

"You can call me Aizawa while you're here, and though I was meant to decide—I talked it over with All Might and we decided on this outcome 'together'." His words came out as a sigh as he slumped in his chair. 

"Alright then more thing." Aizawa raised an eyebrow, signaling her to continue. "I kinda don't have a house right now..." He huffed, bringing a hand to his brow as he pinched it. 

"Right.. about that. We decided that it would best for you to stay here at UA so we can keep an eye on you to make sure you don't evade your duties or get yourself into any more trouble..." Yumes gaze hardened in annoyance. "..take this as a blessing rather than a curse. It might help you realize that villany isn't the only way to get by." She pouted, as if she didn't know that! She enjoyed being a villain because it was fun—every day was spent coming up with another challenging scheme. Being a hero was too superficial and routine for her liking...she would never learn to like it, no matter what....

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