Need You

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Yume was upset. Though she wanted to be mad at Bakugo for not getting the hint, she was more aggravated at herself for wanting him to kiss her. The girls had explicitly told her that Bakugo wasn't one for romance, and it was painfully obvious that he didn't want a relationship, heck, he could barely handle having friends.  Nevertheless, she still wanted him, to feel him, to... Yume hit herself with the pillow as she layed in bed. She shouldn't be doing this to herself, if she went after someone like him she would only get hurt. 

The minutes dragged by and she wasn't getting any more tired. Getting nothing out of lying in bed, Yume got up to walk around–finding herself laying outside, bathing in the moonlight. She watched as the clouds in the night sky dragged slowly across her vision, letting sounds of the wind relax her. Unfortunately, her guard shot back up as she heard the door to the dorms open behind her with a unsettling creak. She stayed in the same position, hoping the person didn't notice her. It went silent again until she heard footsteps in the grass behind her–Bakugos face entering her vision and peering down at her. 

"The hell are you doing freak?"

He was the last person she wanted to see right now.

"I dont really know. Its nice though." 

Bakugo paused before exiting her vision–proceeding to lay down beside her, a grumpy expression on his face as he looked up at the saky, crossing his arms on his chest. 

"I don't get it, this is lame."

"Can you just shut up for one damn second." Her words were angry but her tone was calm. He grumbled before doing as she said, trying to understand why she liked this.

"Are you mad at me or some shit?" He hesitantly asked, the edge to his voice slightly dulled by the question. Yume turned to look at him.

"Why?" As she turned to look at him, he met her gaze before looking away again.

"Not that I really care if you are, you just seemed kinda off when you said goodnight. And you're kinda acting the same right now." 

Yume paused, still analyzing Bakugos side profile as she spoke.

"I'm surprised you noticed." His brow furrowed angrily as he sat up to face her.

"Okay seriously, the hells your deal? Last time I checked, I haven't done shit to you so drop the attitude." Yume sat up as well, matching his confused and agitated gaze. She let out a sharp exhale, trying to figure out where she was going with this. Her breath was frustrated as it struggled its way out of her lungs. Bakugos gaze drifted across her, trying to understand what she wanted to say. 

"It's just too much." There was a pleading look in her eyes as her voice lowered and she leaned forward a bit. 

"What is?" Now he was really confused, her body language was making him feel... weird. He tried to focus on the conversation as the moonlight highlighted her exposed thighs which were now raised from the grass as Yume got to her knees. 

"Being around you." Her words almost came out as a whimper. He didn't know how to take it, what did she mean?  All he knew was that her tone made his breath catch, along with her sudden touch on his leg as she started to lean onto him, her knees now brought against his as he sat with his legs crossed. She was getting so close.. He wanted to speak but he couldn't, she was now coming onto him, his abdomen leaning back to accommodate her. His jaw tensed as he felt his hand bring itself to her waist. She looked down at his movement before looking back up to him with that same pleading look. 

She stopped coming onto him, letting her body lower onto his lap, her thighs squeezing against him as she straddled him. He felt his dick harden underneath his sweatpants and he prayed she didn't feel it. "It's your move." She whispered, her hand moving up his thigh and to his V-line. 

At her words he slowly pulled himself forward, pausing before quickly pulling his lips to hers. He didn't know why he was doing this, a day ago he wouldn't have even considered it. But the was she was looking at him made it impossible to resist the desire to feel her. As they kissed, her body pressed more into his, her hips slightly grinding against him as they started to makeout. She could feel his desperate breaths as he grasped at her thighs, obviously not used to this type of stimulation. As she switched up her pace, he broke away from the kiss–leaning his head back. 

"Fuck. You can't do this." The rasp in his voice overtook his words as Yume stopped, lifting herself off Bakugo. 

"I'm sorry." Disappointment, dripped off her words as she got up, starting to walk back to the dorm building. She couldn't look at him as she sped through the door–quickly approaching her dorm, but as she closed it behind her she heard him walk in as well. Before she could turn to look at him, he caught up; grabbing her body and pulling it into his chest. 

"What are you doing?" She quietly asked, trying to ignore the throbbing from her needy clit as she felt his heat against her back. 

"You can't just start something like that without finishing it." His voice was low and rough, she could hear every tone in his words as a slight growl escaped from his throat. 

"You told me to stop."

"I didn't fucking mean it."

She turned to face him, his hands still on her body. Instead of speaking, she moved her hand to his waistband, letting her fingers lightly tug at it; asking for permission. He looked down at her before pulling her close and kissing her again, pushing her to the bed as he did so. Her shirt rode up, letting her body show as his hand slipped under the remaining cover to grasp at her chest. She moaned into the kiss, her back slightly lifting from the bed in pleasure. He couldn't think anymore as the heat in his body overcame him, he pulled himself into the friction that was forming between his waist and Hokori, his dick getting harder by the second. 

She brought her hand to the tent in his pants, rubbing her palm against it as her and Bakugo slightly switched positions. They continued to make out as Hokori brought herself over Bakugo, her hand pulling down his sweats and boxers as she continued to move herself against him. He twitched at her touch before melting underneath it, his constitution weakening underneath the pleasure.  She broke away from the kiss, moving her tongue down his body until she reached his member to which she teased at the tip before engulfing with her warm mouth. He tensed at the sensation, his hands digging deeper into her soft body as he tried to stop himself from moaning. As the pressure in his body build he grabbed the back of Hokori's head, face fucking her. As he thrusted into her throat, strong grunts escaped his mouth as he felt his tip hit the back of her mouth. As she ran out of air her head pushed against his hand, signalling for him to give her a break. But he didnt stop, he needed to release. He got in a couple more thrusts and as her eyes began to tear up from gagging, he came in her mouth, his secretion pouring off her tongue as he pulled out...

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