Game On!

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The class thanked Todoroki and Yume for the dinner as they got up from the table, a few of them gathering around the TV to play some unfamiliar video game. Denki yelled out in defeat as he slumped into the couch—Jiro laughing in victory. Yume leaned over the back of the couch, watching the entertaining events. Denki turned in response to her presence and offered her the controller.

"Jiro is way too OP, I pass on my legacy to you, Hokori." he solemnly remarked, making Yume lightly laugh, the sound surprising both Denki and herself.

"I'm not sure if I'm the right person to pass your legacy off too, I've never played this game before." Kirishima's head whipped towards her in shock.

"WHAT? YOU'VE NEVER PLAYED??!! OH MY GOSH I HAVE TO TEACH YOU!" Kirishima flew to the couch, snatching the other controller from Jiro and excitedly patting the space next to him. Yume let a smile overtake her as she took the controller from Denki and sat down next to Kirishima.

Yume got ahold of the game rather quickly and she found herself jumping out of her seat in victory as she beat Kirishima. At this point, the others had gotten involved as well—cutting in with their various strategies and cheats. The room erupted in cheers but suddenly, a dark cloud loomed over the group.

Bakugo walked into the room, his hair dripping from a recent shower and a towel thrown over the shoulder of his soaked shirt. "You guys needa keep it the fuck down." he grunted.

"Sorry Bakugo, but no can do! We're getting all fired up teaching Hokori how to play, she's pretty good already—with a little more practice she'll easily take down your top score!" Jiro lilted excitedly, encouraging a frown from Bakugo.

"No way a newbie could beat me." he shot back, throwing the towel off his shoulder and wedging himself into the little space between Kirishima and Yume— snatching the controller from Kirishima.

"Show me whatcha' got, extra." as he turned his attention to the screen of the TV, Yume felt his toned leg press against her thigh. It was a small thing to notice but Bakugo's incessant heat made the action more noticeable. Her skin prickled at the touch and she was fighting to stop herself from pulling her leg away. She didn't like unintentional contact.

Luckily, the game was a good distraction—her fingers jamming the buttons of the controller and her eyes squinting in concentration. With every move, the crowd of riled up classmates reacted with a 'ooo' or an 'aww'. Everyone was rooting for Yume, wanting to see Bakugo's pride hurt.

The pressure got to her and she lost—a groan of defeat escaping her. She wasn't used to getting worked up over such frivolous activities, but it was fun. It made her feel normal.

Bakugo smirked with satisfaction, leaning back in victory. "Looks like I was right, no way you could've beat me." Yume smirked at his confidence, the challenge intriguing her.

"Well in that case, you wouldn't mind playing another round. But this time, with stakes." The students bursted in excitement at the proposition, their competitive natures coming out. Bakugo sneered in overconfidence before responding.

"You're on newbie, what are the stakes?"

The crowd began to propose various ideas, however, Mineta's idea made them all fall silent.

"Whoever loses has to sit in the other person's lap for a second round!" Mina was about to hit him over the head for the pervy idea, but Kirishima stopped her.

"It would actually be pretty funny to see Bakugo sitting in Hokori's lap!" he chuckled, making the others laugh in agreement. They hadn't considered the situation if Yume won, and it brought the them around to the idea.

"Bold of you to assume that Hokori will be the winner." Bakugo retorted, he looked like he was about to reject the challenge— expecting Yume to do the same... but she beat him to the punch.

"Challenge accepted!" she announced, turning to the TV, her hands hovering over the controller. Now Bakugo couldn't say no. Because Yume had already gone a round with Bakugo, she knew his strategy and that allowed her to absolutely crush him.

"HA! TAKE THAT BLONDIE!" Yume roared with pride, her classmates laughing as she patted her lap, sticking her tongue out at Bakugo in victory. "Come and claim your throne, big guy." she teased, causing Bakugo's face to scrunch in annoyance.

"Like hell I'd be caught doing that." He crossed his arms over his chest, huffing as he leaned back.

"Nuh uh uhh, you can't say no Bakugo, you already agreed." Denki sang out. Bakugo's jaw clenched before he got up from his place on the couch, walking over to Yume, his controller still in hand.

Yume laughed, parting her legs a bit to accommodate Bakugo's larger frame. He rolled his eyes as he looked down at her, plopping into her lap rigidly. Yume was pushed into the couch, Bakugo's weight constricting all movement. She hadn't really thought this through, but it was better than sitting in his lap.

"Okay time for the final round!" Mineta proudly announced, staring at his creation before rubbing his nose in satisfaction.

"Hey hey hey, not so fast! I can't see shit cause this fatass is blocking the TV!" Yume argued, her body wriggling a bit underneath Bakugo.

"Well you should've thought of that before accepting the challenge." Bakugo stated grudgingly, his body stiff atop her lap. He sat straight up, avoiding as much contact as possible.

"Bakugo move over so she can see!" Momo scolded, causing Bakugo to huff in irritation. He shifted his body back and to the side—allowing Yume to see but causing his head to be inches away from hers...

"Okay let's get this started!" Yume announced, interrupting her own thoughts before she started overthinking the position. Plus, Bakugo didn't seem to care— putting her at ease.

The round continued and Bakugo began to squirm in anticipation of the game, resulting in the scent of his conditioner to fill Yume's senses. Sandalwood and shea butter. It suited him.

"Calm down!" she demanded, her voice making his movement fall short. He obeyed before he could think, quickly resuming.

"Deal with it!" he shot back. Yume was about to yell back at him but then she heard a dreadful noise emit from the TV. She had lost the final round. Bakugo turned to look at her, a victorious smirk on his face. "What's my prize?" he asked smugly. Though it was a reasonable question, due to the fact they never discussed a final prize, the proximity made his words drip with innuendo.

"He gets to touch her boobs!" Mineta shrieked, somehow expecting agreement but instead receiving a harsh blow to the head from Jiro.

"Any actual recommendations?" Kirishima asked the group....

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