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After the lustrous exchange, Bakugo passed out on the couch—Hokori lying on top of him. They no longer cared if anyone caught them together, it was now more than just sex. In a state between sleep and lucidity, Yume had heard Bakugo whisper to her. 'I like you too.' He had said. What a dumb thing to say after fucking her over the kitchen counter, nevertheless, it was good to hear. Actually, it was really good to hear.

Midoriya was the first person to find the two on the couch, his flustered squeal was enough to signal the rest of class 1A to join him in shock as they all started at the two. Even though the girls already knew about Hokori and Bakugo, it was still sos strange seeing them together.

Bakugo was the first to wake up, and instead of throwing her off him, her held her tighter against him, flipping his classmates off before turning to his side, making sure she slowly slid into the space next to him.

Hokori woke up at the movement, freezing at the situation she was in. The entirety of class 1A was staring as Bakugo was openly affectionate, even Hokori was suprised. As Bakugo saw her wake up, he groaned-getting up from the couch to fully face the class. He was seething.

"Who the hell do I have to kill to sleep in peace" he yelled, his voice still raspy from the sleep. The class nervously backed up, Midoriya retreating as the girls giggled at the image of Bakugo and Hokori cuddling together.

"When were ya gonna tell me bro?" Kirishima nagged, a smirk on his face as he eyed Yume who was rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, sitting up aswell next to Bakugo.

"The fuck is there to tell? We're together. Not that hard to get through your head, hair for brains." The smile that crept across Yume's face was a harsh contrast to the frown which was on Bakugo's face as he responded to Kirishima. The girls giggled as they left the room, their eyes on Hokori until the very end.

"Yea Kirishima, catch a hint dude!" She teased as she leaned against Bakugo, who rolled his eyes at her comment. A smirk fighting its way to the corners of his mouth.

She finally had him all to herself, and it had been that way for a couple weeks now. There wasn't a huge change in the way he treated her in public, however, in private it was as if he existed just to be with her. He couldn't keep his hands off her and they would spend most nights lying together in his bed. It took everyone quite a while to get used to seeing them together, but once they did it almost seemed natural. They loved eachother as if it had always been that way. But as Bakugo stared at her lay on his chest, her body covered by what he learned was Dabi's hoodie, he felt annoyance grow within him.

"Why do you still wear that losers hoodie?" His voice sounded strange against the silence of the room.

"Oh. I don't know, it just makes me feel..comfortable I guess? Having a part of him with me?"

He didn't like her answer.

"Did you guys date or something, why do you need a piece of him"

She raised her head from his chest, now looking at him more intently as she answered.

"Well..not exactly."

"It's not a hard question, did you date or not"


The hesitation in her answer made him more upset.

"Did he fuck you?"




"More than once?"



"Years ago."

"Was it good?"


At her silence, he rose in the bed—his body now siting up completely.

"Take off the hoodie."

"What?! You're acting crazy, it's just a hoodie."

"If it's just a hoodie then take it off."



"Because I loved him."

They both paused. Their eyes burning into eachother, waiting for one of them to break the silence.

"Take it off."

She wanted to argue but for some reason her hands started pulling at the zipper of her hoodie, taking it off her and revealing her naked body underneath. 

He eased forward, bringing her into his embrace as he lowered them both back into the bed. As she listened to his breath, she whispered into his chest.

"I loved him, but I love you, Bakugo."

She didn't even think, and as he responded with silence she hoped he hadn't heard her.

"I love you too."


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