Stay I

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Even as class 1A returned to the dorms, Yume couldn't stop thinking about All Might's proposition. While the students joked and laughed, she remained silent— a wall of concentration blocking out any possible distraction. Though her silence was unusual, it remained undetected, at least, by everyone except for Bakugo.

"What's your deal?" he interrogated, jabbing her with his elbow as he sat beside her on the couch. Though he was addressing her, his eyes remained locked infront of him as he watched the others.

"What makes you think I have a 'deal'?" she shot back, breaking free of her trance before turning to look at him.

"Dunno, maybe it's the fact you're acting all weird...staring off into space and shit—it's annoying."

Yume paused, giving Bakugo all the evidence he needed towards there being something on her mind. "What? Are you planning on murdering everyone in their sleep or something?" he sneered, encouraging a laugh from Yume.

"Even if I was, I wouldn't tell ya, big guy. It would ruin the surprise!" She was back.

"So then it's something else." he deduced, speaking his thoughts aloud. Yume shifted uncomfortably in the couch. In response to her silence, he spoke again.

"Tell me or die, shit face." She sighed, his shallow threat pushing the truth out of her.

"Promise not to say anything..."

"Fine. Whatever."

Yume hesitated before speaking. "All Might gave me the option to attend UA after my month of community service is over...and I'm not sure if I should take the offer or not."

Eh? Bakugo was shocked, not that he let it show on his face. The entire time, he wrote her off as another side character in his life that would disappear. But now, there was a possibility that Hokori would become a more prominent part of his life.

"Don't get all excited though, I'm kinda leaning towards declining." Yume hurriedly added, causing Bakugo's gaze to snap towards her.

"That's more exciting than you staying would ever be." Liar. He was a dirty dirty liar and he hated himself for actually preferring the universe where she would stay. Yume's hand resting on his shoulder brought him back to the conversation.

"Oh come on! You know I've made you a better fighter with my teaching, invest in my wisdom!" as she teased him, her hand squeezed his shoulder—causing him to shrug her off.

"Sure Hokori, just keep telling yourself that."

She laughed again, it was almost melodic, but Bakugo convinced himself it sounded like nails dragging against a chalkboard. Nevertheless, she was back to normal and Bakugo had nothing left to be curious about—causing him to get up and walk away from her. Before she could return to contemplating, Kirishima sparked conversation—unknowingly saving her from herself.

That night, the girls ended up following Yume to her dorm—the group involved in gossip and girl talk as they sat on her bed, periodically throwing popcorn into their mouths.

As they spoke, Yume tried to ignore the crumbs they were getting in her bed—fortunately they dragged her attention away as a new topic was brought up.

"So Hokori, now that you've been here for a couple weeks, is there anyone you're interested in?" Mina asked excitedly, her voice rising in curiosity—the other girls sharing her enthusiasm.

She laughed, putting a finger to her chin in thought as she considered the question.

"Well, in my opinion Todoroki is the most handsome guy in class 1A but.." Uraraka interrupted Yume's thought.

"Oh yea, that's right! I see you and Todoroki in the kitchen making stuff all the time!" She exclaimed, jumping to a conclusion that she didn't mean to lead her to.

"Let her finish!" Jiro announced, attentively watching Yume.

"Thanks Jiro. Anyway, as I was saying..though I think Todoroki is handsome, we're more friends than anything. Other than him there's also Kirishima—who I've actually thought about liking but I feel like he just sees me as a friend."

The girls nodded along as she spoke, agreeing with each of her statements. Still, Mina looked a bit dissatisfied.

"Really? That's it? No secret romance you've been hiding?!" For some reason, Mina's remark triggered a thought in her head causing her to avert her gaze from the group as she spoke again.

"Well...there is one other person..but nothing has happened between us.."

"WHO?!" Uraraka quickly exclaimed, rocking forward on the bed in excitement. Yume sighed before slightly mumbling the boys name.


The group erupted into shocked remarks, completely caught off guard by his name. "Of all people why him?!!!" Jiro complained, looking for an answer while also being disappointed in Yume's choice.

"Well, we have pretty good banter..though I could just be misinterpreting his insults. He's also super hot and the whole angry aura kind of does it for me y'know? I like confident men. Plus, he has an insane body—I'm a sucker for abs."

Mina sighed sadly, pinching her brow in exasperation as she responded. "I'm sorry Hokori but Bakugo isn't really a romantic guy, I've seen girls try to flirt with him before and he's like..super closed off."

"Yea, I've noticed. I'm not saying I expect anything to happen—especially since I'm gonna be out of here in a week." At the mention of her departure, a sad silence filled the room.

"Oh yea, I forgot you were leaving so soon.." Uraraka blubbered, blinking away the tears forming in her eyes " kind of started to feel like you were a part of our class."
As the others sadly agreed, Yume's heart ached. This just made her decision harder—earlier, she was almost sure that she was going to turn the offer to stay down, but as she watched the girls pout in sadness, she wasn't so sure anymore.

"It's okay guys, a week is still plenty of time so let's make the most out of it!" she cheerfully announced, lifting their spirits. Bakugo was the only student who knew about the offer, and she was going to keep it that way...

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