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Yume woke up the next morning to an aching in her jaw. As she brought herself out from the warm covers she was reminded of the delerious actions of the previous night. After absolutely fucking the shit out of her mouth, Bakugo had just left. No aftercare or anything. Infact, he said he would be right back–a now obvious lie. In any case, she expected it, so the lack of aftercare didn't really bother her. She got what she wanted..she got to taste Bakugo. However, as she brushed her teeth she felt a twinge of sadness...she wanted to feel him again, something that was unlikely of happening. As she came down for breakfast she noticed that the dorm building was empty–prompting the shocking realization that this was her first day of actually attending UA as a student and she was already late. 

"Did you get lost? You weren't in homeroom." Uraraka inquired as she walked with Hokori to lunch. She rubbed her eyes before answering. "No, nothing like that." she replied, a yawn overtaking her words. "Late night?" Midoriya worryingly questioned, prompting a light laugh from Yume.

"Yea, you could definitely say that." Midoriya and Uraraka looked at each other inquisitively before looking back at her. At the words, Bakugo–who was walking nearby with Kirishima–shot a glance in her direction, watching to see if she would say anything more. 

"Did ya stay up late talking to a special someone?!" Uraraka exclaimed, gushing at the prospect at Yume having a love life. She laughed awkwardly, causing Midoriya to butt in as well. "Oh that's right, you've never really talked about your private life before–sorry if it comes off as prying but it would be nice to learn more about you since you're now part of the team!" Hokori appreciated his statement but there was no chance in hell she was going to tell him the truth. 

"No! Nobody special..which means, if you have any hot single friends you should totally let me know." The two laughed at her response, not suspecting anything out of the ordinary. Bakugo rolled his eyes before tuning out of the conversation. He didn't know what answer he expected, but he was unhappy with the one she chose. 

As they entered the cafeteria, Yume sat down with Kirishima, Mina, Sero, Denki, and... Bakugo. As she picked at her food idly, trying to avoid meeting Bakugos harsh gaze, the topic of conversation was directed at her by Mina. 

"Why didn't cha show up to homeroom Hokori? Mr. Aizawa didn't say anything but I could tell he was PISSED!" The others nodded in agreement, wanting to hear her answer. The mention of Aizawa made her stomach twist, she felt guilty for letting him down. 

"Oh yea, I just slept in. Nothing special." A faint scoff could be heard from Bakugo but it was ignored. "Whaaat?! How could you just sleep in on your first official day Kori, I would be too fired up." She smiled at Kirishima's nickname before playfully rolling her eyes at his statement. "What can I say, I was having a pretty good dream." She joked, causing the table to laugh. Though her tone was dry, she was glad they could pick up on her humor. "Oh please, what dream could be more important than UA?" Sero joked, causing Hokori to look up from her food to glance at Bakugo–a glance that only Bakugou knew the meaning of. He exhaled sharply before leaving the table, not being able to look at Hokori as he thought of what she did to him the previous night. 

The group raised an eyebrow at his actions but ignored it, quickly moving on to the next topic. However, she thought about it for the rest of the day as her classes dragged on. She remembered why she hated school so much, academics were hell. As she exited her last class of the day she walked right into Bakugo who appeared to be waiting there. She looked behind her, checking to see if he was waiting for someone else. 

"Walk with me dumbass." Oh. He was there for her. As he started walking with his bag slung over his shoulder, she caught up, doing as he said. "What's wrong?" As she spoke he looked down at her, his expression filled with irritation. "Why does something have to be wrong shit face?" he spat, causing her to laugh. "This is just super out of character! It's kind of scary..." He stopped walking, turning to face her completely. "Shut the hell up! This is perfectly normal!!" She laughed again, grabbing his arm as she continued to walk. "Is this cause of what we did last night?" She felt his body tense at the mention of last night as he pulled his arm out of her grasp. "If it is, you don't have to force yourself to do stuff like this. I'm fine with just being a one night stand." He sighed at her words, his body relaxing as he ran his hand through his hair. "I'm not forcing it. And I don't want you to just be a one night stand." She felt her face unexpectedly flush.

"But you-" 

"I know." 

She didn't even finish her sentence, but whatever he thought she was going to say, he was probably right. The self awareness made it even more meaningful. She looked up at him, fully allowing herself to notice how handsome he was as the afternoon light filtered through the school windows. She wanted to kiss him and the look in her eye gave it away. 

"Not out here." He growled before pushing her into an empty room nearby, hastily weaving his hands into her hair as he kissed. It was as if he had been waiting years to feel her again. Her hands reached over to his back as he lifted her on top of a desk, her legs wrapping around his waist. 

Everything about him made her lightheaded, and getting to touch him like this made her chest rise. His small huffs as he kissed her harder made her feral and she pressed against him as if she wanted to go right through him. He soon got so rough that the desk started to rock, as it did so, they broke away from the makeout session. They gasped for air as they let the silence of the room engulf them. 

"We should go back to the dorms." Bakugos voice sounded strangely isolated in the empty room, the absence of sound a hard contrast to the lustful sounds they were making just a minute earlier....

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