Minecraft Arc Part 2 - Episode 46: The Nether

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The 3 Football Players End up in the Nether, Where the portal leads

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The 3 Football Players End up in the Nether, Where the portal leads.

In case You Don't know what the nether is, Though chances are You Do, Here's a look...

In case You Don't know what the nether is, Though chances are You Do, Here's a look

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Maguire: Woah! We're in Canada!!

Messi: Steve Said he'll catch up with us. So until he does, We can explore around here.

They Suddenly hear a screaming wailing from above.

Ronaldo: MOVE!!

They all jump away as a fireball Destroys the portal.

Messi: ....... FUCK!!! WE'RE STUCK!!

Ronaldo: Well you're the one who Fuckin' Jinxed it!

Maguire: Hey Guys! Take a look at this Ocean!

Ronaldo/Messi: NO!!!

Maguire Jumps Into the Lava.

Maguire Jumps Into the Lava

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Wait a Second.... Wrong Game.

Ahh Maguire still Died In-game and Messi, being a complete dumbass, Teleports Maguire back to him in the nether.

DUDE!! MAGUIRE WAS BACK IN THE OVER WORLD, WHY DID YOU TELEPO- What the fuck Ever. Plot's gotta plot.

So Ronaldo and The others decide they have to make a new portal and Get Get Back to the over world.

But there's just one problem, There's way too much lava to Piss again.

Messi: Okay well we can kill The Ghast with A Sword.

The ghast Shoots a Fireball at Messi when deflects it with his sword, Killing The Ghast as a Result.

Ronaldo: Great work.

Maguire: Wait, Where'd my Sword Go?

Messi: You lost it when you Died Dumbass! Now where exactly are we gonna get any water?

Ronaldo: We sweat a lot?

Messi: That only Works with Trump. He sweats just Moving 2 Feet.

They Go into a nether Fortress to try to get some Supplies before heading back to the broken portal.

All was going well as Ronaldo was able to collect some Blaze Rods and Nether Warts and shit like that.

In case you probably don't know, I don't Play, nor Care for speed running Minecraft, I just play it because I wanna fuckin play it.

Anyway after Messi and Maguire take out some Wither skeletons, they were about ready to go hunting for other shit.

*vwomp* An Enderman Suddenly Appears behind them.

Maguire: Shit!

The Enderman grabs all 3 of them and Teleports them all away.


Messi suddenly wakes up and sees only Maguire.

Maguire: Morning!

Messi: Maguire, Where's Ronaldo?

Maguire: not sure.

Messi: Wait a sec.... Oh no

He then Notices Where they are...

Trump: Make sure to follow unoyuked or I will build a Fucking Wall around your house as well, Thanks

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Trump: Make sure to follow unoyuked or I will build a Fucking Wall around your house as well, Thanks.

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