Minecraft Arc Finale - Episode 52: Final Boss

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Herobrine doesn't Hesitate and Goes Straight for Ronaldo, Punching him, and taking out a HUGE amount of Ronaldo's Health

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Herobrine doesn't Hesitate and Goes Straight for Ronaldo, Punching him, and taking out a HUGE amount of Ronaldo's Health.

Ronaldo only has half a heart left in his health meter from ONE HIT! ONE FUCKING HIT!

Messi: Jesus Christ!

Herobrine: Get Ready to meet him.

He shoots Thunder at Messi, With The Football Player deflecting it with his sword and shooting it back at him.

[Herobrine health: 299/300]

Messi: Are you Serious?

Maguire Was able to Stab Herobrine a couple times but that Barely did anything since Herobrine's Health is Through the Roof.

Ronaldo was Hiding now to regain some health before he goes back to Fighting head on. But he still had some Arrows, so he shoots some at Herobrine, Taking away 5 HP.

Herobrine Wasn't Backing down at all, because he's FUCKING HEROBRINE!!

He Grabs Maguire And Flies him upwards to the skies, Then He Shoves him back down And shoots lightning into his face at point blank Range.

Ronaldo finally generated enough health to fight again.

Herobrine: Come on, Show me what you're made of. I'll just sit right here on this stone.

He sits on the Stone block.

Herobrine: Come on.

Ronaldo: You Asked For It!

He Starts Punching Herobrine as hard as he possibly can, but unfortunately, again, it does nothing. Ronaldo can usually do MAJOR damage to a normal person.

Herobrine: *Yawns* Man I'm hungry. Maybe I should get some Soup from the villagers before I kill them.

Ronaldo was still punching him as he's saying that to himself.

Herobrine flicks him and He starts flying towards a mountain, Blowing up all the blocks at the top.

Steve Was the last one to battle.

Herobrine: You are Next.

Steve: Keep Dreaming.

Steve charges at Herobrine and Strikes him with the sword.

[Herobrine health: 298/300]

Steve: WHAT?!?!

Kidding lol

[Herobrine health: 157/300]

Steve and Herobrine fight in the battle of the century.... of Minecraft.

Herobrine is now forced to use 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of his power.

He Starts Getting into a Power Fit and starts Storming And crashing the World.

Steve, Ronaldo, Messi and Maguire Charge at Herobrine and Stab him with all four of their diamond swords.

Herobrine Is finally out of health, and he Explodes into a Giant Cloud of darkness and Disappears.

Steve: We Did it!

Suddenly, a Giant Portal opens up.

Steve: And there's your ticket home.

Messi turns to look at Steve.

Messi: Thank you.

Steve nods as the three hop into the portal.

The house...

Trump: And You See N, The world actually named the Word "Rizz" After me. For you see, my name is Donald Rizz Trump.

N: Wow! That's Awesome! 😊

Obama: Trump, Stop lying To N. Your real Middle name is John.

The portal opens again as the three are now Back home.

N: Where Were you?

Ronaldo: We were in the world of Minecraft.

Messi: It's a long story.

And so the Trio has told the others about their incredible experience in The Minecraft world. Well, Almost Everyone. J didn't really give a shit, and a Certain Other former President was locked in his room.

End of Arc!!

Trump: Make sure to Follow AmyLynch101 or I will build a Fucking Wall around your house as well. Thanks.

Obama: Donald are you threatening people again?

Trump: Shut up or I will nuke you as well.

NEXT EPISODE: The Final Season Begins. See you then.

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