𝐒𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭.

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Happy April fool's day :D

My friend said I should write a angst Jophie and here it it lol (if there are miss spelling words pls tell me)

Bold text: Means someone is talking (and look like this.)

Italic text: Means someone is thinking/in thought (and look like this.)

Warning: gore and angst

Nobody's pov:

Sophie and Jenny decided to explore the k-9 facility looking for answers for Sophie's past that Jenny agreed to help her with. "Are you sure you're ready for this soph?" Jenny said to Sophie connected in her tone. Sophie looked up at Jenny and nodded her head, "yeah..I'm ready." She said. The two girls brought in supplies for their adventure, some food, a first aid-kit, and flashlights. They both managed to open the two metal doors to the bunker and walked in, everything was pitch black. They pulled out their flashlights from their backpacks and looked for a switch to turn on the lights. "I found the switch soph!" Jenny said happily, she turned on the switch and the lights turned on. Everything was coated in dust as you can see dust particles floating in the air. All the animatronics were damaged and left forgotten. "Woah.." Jenny said amused in everything, she saw Sha and gasped, "what?" Sophie said worried and she looked toward Jenny to see if something bad happened, but not she just saw Jenny smiling as she looked at Sha. "L-look!! it's Sha, oh my god!" Jenny excitedly told Sophie. Sophie sighed at Jenny's excitement. Sophie looked at Sha and got an unsettling aura from the animatronic. "Let's just go explore more in here Jen." She whispered to Jenny. Jenny agreed and they both went into different rooms. In one particular room held Billy the clown, one of Sophie's favorite animatronic, "wow..they still have him" Sophie asked, she was waiting for Jenny to respond but didn't hear a word from her, she looked back and didn't see Jenny anywhere. "Jenny..?" She yelled out. She ran out the room and ran every where to find her girlfriend. One thing that stand out to her was that she didn't see Bon anywhere, the monster that killed off her mom..Susan woodings, Charles brooks, and Ashely parks. All that happened in that arcade game. "Fuck.. Fuck!" Sophie yelled out and she now remembered that Bon could have gotten to Jenny, 'no no please don't think of that.' Sophie thought to herself.

Jenny's pov:

We walked into this room that held a clown animatronic. While Sophie went to explore the room, I got a bit curious and walked to a different room. It was really dark in the room and the only thing I can see due to my flashlight was a table and merchandise from Bon's burgers. *Thud* I jumped at the sound, "Sophie..was that uhm..you..?" I said, I turn to the direction I heard the sound but saw Sha. 'Wasn't she in the other room..?' I thought as I walked up to her. Something felt odd, her eyes looked bloodshot as of a human. As I was expecting her more, blood stains were on her. Soon I heard something behind me as of metal feet. I tuned around fast as I saw Bon, I gasped and tried to run around him but I felt cold, metal, big hands grab my left arm and yank me back, I was about to scream but felt the metal hand cover my face, Bon soon then ripped my left arm off, I let out a muffled scream as tears were streaming down my face. Blood was streaming down my now missing arm and face, Bon grabbed a whole of my stomach and pushed his claw inside it while almost choking me from my neck, everything was hurting and I wish for it to stop, or plead for help..

Sophie's pov:

I ran everywhere in the rooms, trying to find Jenny. I was getting angry as I was now in the main room, my teeth were griddling against each other and tears were forming in my eyes. I grabbed a random box and threw it against the wall, causing a huge thud. I was bagging my hands on a nearby table. "BON! WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?!" I yelled out, tears streaming down my face, I grabbed an endo-skeletal head and chuck it somewhere on the wall. "SHE'S ALL I HAVE- *SOB* LEFT?!" I sobbed out as I fell on my knees. 'Stupid pills..stupid, stupid!' I angrily thought, 'F-Felix..why.' I finally thought, he caused this..Edd and Molly's death..Everything would have been normal if he didn't drink at the school party. "s..soph" I lifted my head up as I heard someone say my name, "J-Jenny?!" I yelped out as I got up from the floor as I followed the sound of the voice, I finally got to the stop..the door was closed, in worry, I opened the door fast. As I opened the door I gasped out. "JENNY!" I sobbed out as I saw her against a wall, her face was all bloody and her neck was snapped, her left arm was detached from her body on the other side of the room. I only recognized her cause of her red hair and bloody rainbow sweater when there were slashes on her stomach. I ran towards her, sobbing in pain as I tried to talk to her, "J-Jenny hey! Wake up please..I..I can't l-lose you!" I sobbed out, my words stuttering from how much I'm crying. I hugged her bloody body sobbing against her right shoulder. I looked at her face again, "p-please Jen..!" I yelled out, "No! No!?" I continue to sob and weep, rocking her back and forth, "S..Soph." I heard Jenny say in a whispering voice. "J-JENNY! OH MY GOD!" I yelled out to her, "..go." She said barely as she sounded as if she can't keep herself up. "N-No! We're going to- *hic* get uh out!" I said as I tried to carry her but she tried to push me away from her, "N-no! G-Ngh! Go.." she said as I can hear her choke on her blood. I rubbed my eyes and closed them thinking to myself, 'this is just a dream..this is just a dream-' till I felt a cold hand against my cheek and opened my eyes to see Jenny smile at me a bit, she leaned in and kissed my lips, her blood was on my lips, cheek, and clothes. "R..Run." She muttered out, "G-GOD DAMN IT!" I yelled as I ran out the facility. I was gasping for air as I finally reached to the truck and started the engine and drove out of there.

"I'm sorry, Jenny.."

I hope my friend is happy with this one😭

(1157 words)

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