𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞.

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Grrhhh...ANGST TIME 🥰

Warnings: angst(ofc), Jenny and Sophie are a year apart(Jenny: 19 Sophie: 18) and childhood friends, F-slur mentioned, casual? More likely.

(Maybe for more sad feelings listen to "Back at the old house" by The smiths/"Casual" By Chappell Roan/and "Once more to see you" by Mitski)

[  ] - mean flashbacks

Jenny's Pov:

I knew Sophie when we were kids, I was maybe around 4 and Sophie was probably 3 when our parents introduced us to each other since they were friends, I loved everything about Sophie; her smile, her eyes, her laugh..Everything about her was perfect in my eyes.

We're in the same high school and I'm now a senior and she's now a junior. I've always liked Sophie in a crush way when I was in 8th grade, and I just never had the courage to confess to her.

I was in Biology, pretty boring, photosynthesis or whatever that shit is call, I just wanted this school day to be over with and spend time with Sophie.


I let out a sigh of relief and smiled to myself, putting my notebook up in my bag and getting out of my seat, all the other students around me did as well as we all exited the classroom.

"Make sure y'all study your notes for tomorrow's test!"

I heard the teacher said to all of us, but I know I'm not studying shit.

I began speed walking to the cafeteria and waiting beside the doors, waiting to see a familiar short haired brunette.

"Jenny!" I jumped from the sudden shout of my name, turning toward the direction I heard my name being called out and seeing Sophie.

I smiled widely, getting happy to finally see her instead of being in some classroom. We began to talk while making our way into the cafeteria to find a table to sit at. After finding one, Sophie decided to tell me how she overheard a group of girls and guys talking about how some girl got jumped.

"Yeah and like they kept saying on how much of a bitch that girl was!"

"Really? Wow."

"And they were like saying how she was shit talking about this other girl in the group and that's what cause the girl to get jumped later on!"

Sophie said, continuing to tell me more about the situation, but I was paying attention to her lips while she spoke, I remember that one time we kissed each other out of nowhere, well Sophie did, 5 months ago while she was staying the night at my house.

[Jenny and Sophie were just on Jenny's bed till Sophie scooted closer to the redhead, grabbing her cheek with her hand, "You're really pretty you know that Jen?" Sophie told her, "I uhm..thank you Soph!" Jenny stumbled over her words as a flash of red was on her cheeks from blushing. But what Jenny wasn't expecting was for her crush to lean in and kiss her on the lips; after the kiss, Sophie pretended that nothing ever happened and went back to talking about whatever was on her mind.]

I tried to get the memory out of my head but I couldn't, her lips against mine were so perfect and soft, I finally got out of my trance and continued to hear out Sophie's rambles before Lunch ended in 48 minutes.

~Time skip and still Jenny's pov~

The school day was finally over, Sophie insisted on walking me to my house, which I agreed to, I love being around the brunette and I had the courage to finally ask her out today.

We were chatting like always, stumbling about some cool outside decorations in front of houses, like a small like statues and even those frogs ones.

Sophie told me how she's failing one of her classes and she said if I can offer her some help, I obviously agreed to help her out, she was failing English and she needed help on an assignment she was supposed to do but she didn't know how to do it since the teacher just gave it to them and telling her class to work on it.

Finally after 30 maybe so minutes of walking, we were in front of my house,

"Hey thank you for walking me Sophie, i appreciate it a lot!"

"Of course Jenny! I wanted to make sure you made it home safe."

"Heh, shouldn't I be the one to do that since I'm older than you?" I teased her, Sophie rolled her eyes and hit my shoulder a little, making me whine in pain a bit but laugh nonetheless.

"Yeah yeah, Oh I forgot to mention something!"

Sophie said, I then realized the same thing, I was going to confess to her as well.

"Oh so did I! So do you want to go for or?"

I said, Sophie hummed a bit, "you can go first! I bet yours is very import." She said.

I smiled and let out a small sigh, I was pretty nervous to tell her but I had too unless I'll be too late to confess my feelings.

"Yeah, uhm Sophie I have something to tell you really important.." I said, fidgeting with my fingers, I saw Sophie look confused but nod her head and I continued my speech,

"Sophie..I really like you, in a crush way..I've liked you since I was in 8th grade but I've been so scared to tell you. So...Would you love to my girlfriend and go on a date!"



Please say yes...please say yes.

"I'm..I'm sorry..But, I already have a boyfriend and we started dating today. I'm so so sorry!"


I looked at her in disbelief, tears probably threatening to spill out of my eyes. Was this what she forgot to mention to me about? It probably was.

"O-Oh..That's...That's awesome Sophie!" I lied.

"This was what I forgot to mention earlier and thank you Jenny. W-We can still be friends of course! It's just-"

Please stop talking.

"It's okay I understand! And I'm glad. I'll see you tomorrow at school okay? Goodbye."

I cut her off and left her right where she was standing and went into my house.

I close the door behind me and locked it, immediately running straight to my room, thank god my parents weren't home right now.

When I finally got into my room and on my bed, I finally let out the tears that were threatening to come out of my eyes, my tears pouring out like a river as I tangled my hand into my red hair, pulling on it while sobbing like a stupid toddler when they don't get what they want.

My eyesight was blurry from my tears, crying while I continued to lay on my bed, still having my hands in my hair.

I started chocking on my sobs, who am I kidding? She wouldn't want to date a stupid faggot like me. Everything that happened in my room that night was probably casual and just a friend way, her kissing me and even more that happened in my room. I don't get it, why does my chest hurts so much? I can't breathe no more and my mind is running all over the place.

Until I realized something..

I was too late..

I was too late to confess to her.

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