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Sorry for the late post, been busy with school and and staar testing but here it is 🫶

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Sorry for the late post, been busy with school and and staar testing but here it is 🫶

Nobody's pov:

Jenny and Sophie were at a small park, walking around in the chilling weather so the couple were a bit bundled up. Sophie was rambling about the solar system and Jenny, of course, was listening deep into Sophie's rambles. They finally took a break from walking and sat next to a tree and chilled while they drank some coffee they got from a nearby coffee shop. While the girls were chilling, Jenny got an idea. a stupid one to be exact. "Hey Soph!" Jenny asked her partner to which Sophie looked at her in confusion, "Mh? What is it?" He asked Jenny while taking a sip of her black coffee. "Watch me climb the tree and hang upside down on the branches with my legs!" Jenny asked as if it was a good idea. Sophie looked at their girlfriend in concern, "Are you sure that's safe..?" She asked worried. "Duh of course it's safe, I've done it so many times!" The red head said proudly. She put her coffee down by the tree stump and started to climb the tree they were chilling at, it was big and pretty tall, around maybe 10 feet. As Jenny finally got onto the branch, she shifted herself dangling upside down on the branch with her long curly red hair going above her head. She looked at Sophie, who looked upside down from her perspective, and did a goofy smile showing her gap teeth. Sophie was looking at her in worry from Jenny hurting herself, "Look see! It's safe" Jenny told Sophie and smirked at her in a teasing manner. "Okay okay I get it..But still, you could get hurt Jen." They said to their girlfriend. "Okay okay I'll get down." Jenny replied bored, as Jenny went to lift herself up from being upside down on the branch, one of her legs slid off when she tried to lift herself up, She gasped out terrified as she fell off the tree branch and hit her head on the hard dirt. "OH SHIT! JENNY!" Sophie yelled out as he rushed to his girlfriend to help her, "Are you okay Jen?? Jenny answer me!" Sophie asked concerning and worried. Jenny was moaning in pain as she started to mutter words as Sophie tried to lift her up, "Jen are you okay??" She asked the red head who was having trouble to stand up. Sophie wasted no time and helped Jenny into the truck and buckled her into the passenger seat and started the engine when Sophie got into the drivers seat. He drove them both to a nearby ER and helped Jenny walk by having their arm around their waist and other hand on Jenny's arm, who's around Sophie's shoulder. As they got into lobby Sophie made Jenny sit in a free chair, "Stay here, I'm going to get you checked out okay Jen?" They asked Jenny, the red head couldn't talk at all as she was having trouble to and simply try and nod her head. Sophie left Jenny to go talk a medical receptionist in the front desk. "Hey uhm I need to check in my 'friend' cause I think she might have a concussion.." Sophie asked worried to the woman, as the woman heard this she instantly went to go tell a doctor about the situation. "Okay ma'am, a doctor should come and check in your friend as fast as possible as concussion can be really bad if not treated fast. And can I get the patients name please?" The nice lady said, "Okay. It's Jenny Letterson, L-E-T-T-E-R-S-O-N. And Thank you!" Sophie replied and left to go with sit next to her girlfriend. They waited a couple minutes till they heard a nurse and a doctor called in Jenny. They went to help Jenny walk into a room as they went to check her for any damage injuries. "Okay miss Walten, can you tell us what has happened?" The doctor asked kindly, "Oh uh we were just at the park chilling till Jenny got an idea to climb a tree and hand upside down on a branch but as she went to get up she uhm fell and hit her head on the dirt." Sophie responded. The nurse nodded and wrote down on a piece of paper, "are there any symptoms?" The Nurse asked, "uhm yeah, she's having trouble talking and walking as she's slumbering her words and wobbling and looks to be almost zoned out and she normally never zones out that much and only during college work." The brunette said. The nurse and doctor nodded as they said they'll be back with results and left the room. The couple waited in the room patiently and about 20 minutes passed by the doctor came back in. "Okay so your friend does indeed have a concussion, so what I require you to do for her is that you make sure she's resting a lot and take a break on school or work okay?" The doctor told Sophie to which she nodded and thanked the man.

~Time skip~

Sophie and Jenny finally arrived at the hotel and into their room, Sophie lay downed Jenny on their bed and signal Jenny to change, Even thought Jenny wasn't in the right mindset she understood Sophie's jesters and changed with Sophie helping of course. "Just lay down, I'm going to change and I'll meet you in bed okay?" Sophie told Jenny and went to change into more comfortable clothes. Baggy sweatpants and a large white T-shirt(that was Jenny's) and hoped into bed with the redhead, 'what am I going to do with you..' Sophie thought, smiling to herself at how Jenny can be stupid and funny and fell asleep big spooning Jenny.


[1001 words]

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