𝐖𝐞'𝐥𝐥 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬.

44 0 15

Request by bandycore

Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, and mention of ed(eating disorder) happy ending at the end :]!(Unedited btw, so sorry if there are spelling errors!!)

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Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, and mention of ed(eating disorder) happy ending at the end :]!
(Unedited btw, so sorry if there are spelling errors!!)

Nobody's Pov:

Jenny has been noticing a lot on how her girlfriend,Sophie, has been barley eating and sleeping these 3 months. When the redhead decided to confronted the brunette about it, Sophie tried to deny that she's been starving themselves but soon broke down in tears, saying how much they hated their body for a while but never told the redhead. It hurts Jenny seeing her partner in so much pain but soon, Jenny was able to calmed down the young woman, telling them that everything will be alright. Now, Sophie was laying down next to Jenny on their shared bed, blankets covering their body and Jenny peacefully sleeping and having her arm wrapped around Sophie's stomach. The brunette turned his head to look at Jenny's face, and soon started counting Jenny's freckles; it helped Sophie calm down his mind and make them feel sleepy. After what felt like 2 minutes, Sophie felt herself doze off into sleep and reach out to cuddle Jenny.


Sophie's Pov:

I was sleeping peacefully till I woke up from the light from the curtains shining light to face, I grunted a bit but decided I needed to get up; I yawned and stretched my out my body and arms, and tiredly rubbing my eyes. I open my eyes and wait a few seconds till my blurry vision gets un-blurry. I sighed out and looked to see if Jenny was next to me but no she wasn't. I got out of the bed and walked out of our room, "Jenny?" I said, my voice cracking a bit trying to say my girlfriend's name. "In the kitchen Soph!" I hear her yell out, I walked to the kitchen and saw Jenny was preparing breakfast...I think?
"What are you making?" I asked her, "Oh, just some eggs and bacon..Since they're easy to make after all!" Jenny told me, I hummed in response as I yawned again..Jenny heard it and laughed a bit which I gave her a confused look, "What's funny?" I asked, "Mh, Just you still being tired, did you sleep late again?" She replied and asked me, I tried to remember but couldn't, "I don't know." I replied, Jenny smiled and shocked her head as I saw her take a bacon out of the pan and turning to stove off, "Well I finished the breakfast, I made you some scrambled eggs and some bacon!" Jenny told me and handed me a plate, I smiled in response and put the plate down on the table while I waited for her to do the same. Jenny got done grabbing herself a cup of orange juice and handing me a cup of orange juice as well. After she sat down, she began to eat her food while I stared at mine. I felt hungry but didn't want to eat..I was lost in thought about my body, does Jenny even love me? does she think I'm a bit chubby? Is she just dating me cause she feels bad? Does she- "Sophie!" I jumped a bit when I heard a familiar voice shouted my name, I looked at her, and saw her giving me a small smile, "Sorry I scared you, you were zoning out and I was calling your name about 5 times." She tells me, "Oh sorry, what did you uh need?" I asked, I saw inhale a bit and exhaled, "Sophie, I really need you to eat.." I heard her tell me, I let out a little hummed, "I know, I just..I don't want to feel myself puke after taking a bite.." I replied to her, I heard Jenny scoot her chair close to me and rubbed my shoulder, "Well, why not take some small bite Soph..Not big big ones, small ones." Jenny tells me, I looked at her and my food and breathed in, "Please Soph..It's not good starving yourself." She told me, I let out the air I was holding in and nodded my head slowly while looking at her, she gave me a warm smile, "Here, this amount should be good!" Jenny responded to me as she picked up my fork and scooped up a small portion of my scrambled eggs and hand me the fork; I took it and held it against my mouth. "Small bite okay? Don't think of feeling disgusted and having to throw it out." Jenny told me, "Okay.." I muttered out and put the eggs in my mouth. "There you go! Now softly chew and don't think of anything." And as she said that I did what she told me, I chewed on the food softly and swallowed it. It..It did taste good swallowing it, "You did it!" Jenny yelled out happily, I shook my head and laughed, "Wanna eat more still, and small bites till we get to bigger ones okay?" Jenny told me, I smiled at my girlfriend, Maybe..Maybe she did love me for who I am. "I love you, you know that Sophie?" Jenny told me, "Mhm..How much?" I asked her, Jenny smiled wide and soon smirked, "Just how I love my rainbow sweaters." Jenny said, I rolled my eyes at her, "You're an idiot you know that?" I said, Jenny grunted, "I'm trying to make you feel better...Is it working?" She said, saying her last part out of the blue, "Yes..Yes it is." I said and heard her whispered out a small "Yes!" This woman geez.


Nobody's Pov:

It's been 3 months now and Sophie has been eating more portions of food by these past months, as to eating small meals to a full meal now. Jenny was supper proud of her girlfriend for eating more as weeks passed on, Now, Jenny and Sophie are currently on the couch watching a random movie the redhead picked out, "Hey Jen, can you pass me the popcorn?" Sophie asked Jenny, Jenny nodded and handed him the popcorn bowl, "Thanks." The brunette replied, "Of course!" Jenny replied back and Sophie went to continue watching the movie, Jenny looked at Sophie and smiled softly, Sophie scenes someone looking at her and turned to Jenny's direction and saw that it was their girlfriend looking at them and smiling, "What?" Sophie asked confused, Jenny shocked her head and layed her head on Sophie's shoulder, "Mhm, nothing..Well, I'm happy your finally eating more unlike a couple months ago." Jenny said, Sophie was shocked and felt his face get warm. They soon smiled a bit and layed their head on the redhead's head, "And it's cause of you.." Sophie told Jenny, Jenny widen her eyes and hummed a bit, "I'm glad." She said. The two continued to watch the movie, They were with each other and thanks to Jenny's help, Sophie felt safe, real safe around Jenny and call the redhead home.

A/N: "I love these lesbians" me and bandycore say in unison..
Queer people in the 80's man I hope nothing bad happens to them fr
(Martín I swear please don't hurt them I beg😥🙏)
Pssttt Bandy, you up? Or is it the energy drinks🤨 damn it's 4am 😨 btw I'm literally listening to asmr while writing this..that just shows how I need asmr to put my gay ass to sleep-

But on serious note: Please Please don't starve yourself cause how you look, It's really bad for your health and please love yourself the way you are! You are beautiful in every way possible I mean that, As I said, it can really damage your health and make you real light headed and possibly make you pass out. It's always okay to eat, you need it for your body to survive. If you need someone to talk to about what's going on, please talk to someone you can trust! Talk to someone who can help you in tough times and situations🫶!! (Sorry if I'm bad at like explaining and giving advice, not really good at that part but I'm working on it❤️!)

Remember to eat and drink, you need it🫶!! (And again, if you are struggling to eat, try taking small bites and work your way up to a meal, it'll work I promise you. <3)

Upcoming chapter(s):

- 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦?

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