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Fall 2025 ( September )
Washington DC
Adams Morgan ( Ad-Mo)

The tall stocky White middle aged man made a face like he was sucking lemons as he pulled back his wife's silly white lace trimmed curtains and stared hard across the street.

Four men were moving box after box from a large U-Haul truck at the old Harrison house that had been empty since Old Lady Harrison had passed after having a massive heart attack while shoveling snow off her walkway and drive way. Although, he mused wryly, the old hag's death was her own damn fault. He had offered to shovel for her. For a price. After all his time is more valuable than her's was. His silly simpering wife had mentioned that the old hag's hard face niece had finally sold the dump but what the hell did she sell it to?

He recognized the tall blond man as the damn socialist mayor he certainly hadn't voted for. He had been a Beauregard man and still believed that the man had been robbed by the Rainbow Mafia types. He also recognized the mayor's so called husband; was his pussified ass wearing makeup ? He was so tired of seeing the tall skinny redheaded " First Gentleman " always talking and whining about people helping a bunch of homeless bums. He personally thought if the so called mayor wanted to do something about the homeless issue he would run all those bums out of the city. Starting with the man's " husband ".

And the other two. A tall broadly built Black - great , that's all they needed in this neighborhood -  man and a little nerdy brown haired one. Wait ...... was the Black guy stopping with a box in his arms to lean down and kiss the short nerdy one ? What the fuck ? What the fuck was moving into his neighborhood ? This was the kind of un-American ungodly garbage that would lower his property values. He paid enough in taxes. If this was what he thought it was they would have to go. Immediately. Chestnut Street had high standards and he was going to make sure it stayed that way.

His pain in an ass wife looked up hesitantly from the pile of his shirts she was too slowly ironing to ask softly , " Are those our new neighbors , dear ? It'll be so nice to have new life there. Again. I missed Mrs. Harrison. She was so nice and sweet. I heard the new couple has a little boy. "

" Get back to your fucking housework , Laurie Lynn. If you burn my shirts again I'll burn you. Again. "

" Yes , dear , " she said softly.

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