Chapter Seventeen

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Theo : Reed ? Sweetie? How are you?

Reed : Little better. I still can't remember a lot.... But..... Doc chewed me ..... Out.

Theo : Good. Should have told me about the BP.

Reed : Saw news. Something happened. At house. You ok

Theo : I'm fine. Stop watching news. I love you. I'll see you tomorrow. Rest.

Reed : Luv you. Be careful


That evening Theo heated up leftover tomato soup for him and Benji. Benji was not talking much even when Theo said they were going to visit Reed tomorrow at the hospital. He didn't eat much either. After dinner he quietly cleared the table without being asked and then left the dining room.

Then he came back swiftly and hugged Theo hard. Theo held him back as he cried.

" I love you, Papa. I love Dad. Is he going to die ?"

Theo was about to answer when Benji pulled away and ran upstairs. Theo heard the door to the child's room slam shut.

Theo sat with his trembling hands covering his face. He was still sitting there when there was a knock at the door a few minutes later. He slowly got up and looked through the peephole before opening the door. It was Simon Johns.

The sight of the old man made him feel guilty. He hadn't cared about Pierce anymore but the man was Pierce's uncle. He really should have gone and offered Simon sympathy by now.

Suddenly he heard Matt's voice in his head, saying," Be careful, Lucy. "

He smiled kindly at Simon. " Hello. I'm sorry about Pierce. "

Sinon nodded. He looked so frail . " No. You're not, Theo. I hate people who lie even if it's a sincere lie. Lying doesn't suit you. I haven't seen the house since Bessie was here. It looks nice. Not as nice. Bessie had a gift for decorating. How is Reed? "

Theo sighed. " He's awake. I hope he'll be home soon. I want him home soon. The doctor said he may need physical therapy. Maybe speech therapy. He forgets words. His left arm is a little weak. Good thing he's a rightie. "

" Good. I'm glad he's alright. You are a good fit. You are well suited. Anyone can tell that. Not like you and my nephew. I remember you. Years ago my idiot nephew brought you to dinner. I could see it then. That you wouldn't last. I should have warned you. I'm sorry I didn't warn you. I loved Pierce but he was a fool. Much like Farnsworth but in a different way. He treated you terribly. They both did. Farnsworth treated Bessie terrible too. He wanted to charge her to shovel her walk. More likely force that son of his to do the work and pocket the money himself. He knew Bessie wasn't in good health. She had broken a hip. She was still getting over that really. She was too stubborn to ask her niece for help. He knew this! He took advantage of her. She was a good friend. A good neighbor. She was my friend. She was my .....  lover. My soulmate. I still miss her every day. She told him to fuck off and shoveled her walk. She had a stroke and died that night. In her driveway. In my arms. I blamed Farnsworth. I always will. That's why I killed him. "

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