Chapter Sixteen

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Lieutenant Rhodes once again showed up with her crime scene team and her usual snarky attitude. When she saw Theo she made a face like she smelled rotten fish. When she saw Matt she turned too sweet. Diabetes sweet.

She asked them relatively few questions. Thankfully Benji and Livvie had went to school and were still  there. Winnie was still at the house though. He stood on the porch, looking pale and unusually quiet as he chewed on his finger nails. Winnie always chewed his nails when nervous. Matt gave Winnie a ride home after the young thirty something man had tightly hugged Theo for several minutes. Before they left Matt warned Theo ," Be fucking careful, Lucy. Lock the door when you go in. "

Theo planned to.

Laurie Lynn still stood on the street watching the police working. Theo looked closer at her. She was so timid and shy and meek. Could she be able to beat two men to death? If you looked at her hard enough she might pass out.

He touched her on the shoulder and she flinched.

" I'm sorry about your husband," he said.

She looked at him with her pale pale blue eyes. " I'm sorry about your husband. Mine? I'm not sorry about. He hasn't been mine for a long while. I used to dream about leaving him. Now he left me. " She looked at the chalk outline where Pierce had been. " The bastard left me. I hate him. " She looked at Theo. " But I didn't kill him. If your husband did I don't care. "

" My husband Reed didn't kill anyone.  Trust me on that. "

She smiled. " It must be nice having such faith in the person you love. I envy you. Your husband seems very nice. A good person. So do you. You have a beautiful son. A very nice family. "

" Thank you. "

" I want to apologize. For how Rodney treated you all. He was wrong. He was usually wrong. You don't have to worry about us across the street. Not anymore. Tell your husband this. And ..... And .... I would be truly grateful if you allowed my son to keep playing with yours. Sam doesn't have many friends. He's lonely. His father was too hard on him. Rodney preferred his brothers. I understand if you prefer not. "

Theo glanced at her stiff pale face. It looked like the face of a store mannequin. She was very tense. Like she was expecting a slap. Or a kick. He felt sorry for her. Her son wasn't the only lonely Farnsworth. He could literally feel the waves of loneliness flowing from her being.

Theo held out his hand. She looked at it in surprise.

" Hello. My name is Theo Walton Fisher. My family just moved in right across from you. Call me Theo. "

Her eyes went from his hand to his sincere eyes back to his waiting hand.Then she grabbed his hand with more firmness and strength than he had dreamed she had in her. He was stunned at how strong the widow was. Could she be strong enough to beat two men ?

" Nice to meet you. I'm Laura Lynn Farnsworth. Welcome to Chestnut Street. "

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