Chapter Nine

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Halloween was finally here.

Fifty year old Theo Walton - Fisher felt like a kid again. There was nothing but excitement growing in his fun sized body as he and Reed dressed in their Charles approved costumes. Theo had to admit that his friend had chosen well. Reed with his greying black hair, vivid green eyes and muscled body made the perfect Superman complete with the long flowing red cape.

And Reed laughed and approved when Theo came out of the bathroom dressed in his own costume finery. Theo was a five foot three version of Sherlock Holmes right down to the tweed cloak and deerstalker hat. Theo's father's cherished pipe completed the touch perfectly.

Theo actually thought he looked damn good as he sashayed before the mirror in their bedroom. They even took a smiling selfie and sent it out via text to their friends and family including Grace. Grace texted back that Theo's taste was improving with an attached photo of her own : Grace dressed as Annie Oakley. Theo wasn't sure if the gun she held was real or fake. Apparently she and Darren were going to the Halloween party at the Sweet Flower country club.

" I really don't look so bad, do I ? ," Theo said as he grinned into the mirror, hands propped on his slim hips.

" You look wonderful, Holmes," Reed whispered as he stepped behind him and wrapped his strong arms around Theo , pulling him close. " But since I'm Superman too bad you're not Lois Lane instead. Lois is always in need of a rescue. "

" Shut up , Superman. "

After a bit more primping and a few long kisses and a couple eager gropes, they finally went downstairs to the cozy book ,plant and comic filled living room
where zombie Winnie Palmer, Walking Dead insurance salesman Dennis Davis , football player Benji and cheerleader with the right attitude Livvie were waiting. Sprawled on the sofa in a cuddle of their own was Saint ( the murderous clown from It ) and Matt ( Bilbo from the Hobbit ). Everyone loved Reed and Theo's costumes. After a few more minutes Winnie and Dennis took off with the kids for Union Station trick and treating while the others walked down to the Johns' house across the street.

Reed rang the elaborate doorbell and heard the oh so familiar sound of Monster Mash coming out of the doorbell. They all grinned. But Theo and Reed's smiles faded as the door opened.

Standing there was a ever smirking Pierce Johns dressed as an elegant Dracula. Theo thought the choice was appropriate for him.

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