Chapter Two

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Theo : How was your appointment with Doc India, Sweetie? No long covid? Everything is fine?

Reed : It was wonderful, darling. No issues. I'll live to be a hundred. I'll be the sexiest old geezer in the nursing home.

Theo : Good! And I'll be right next to you in that nursing home giving you a BJ.

Reed : Even then I'll only have eyes for you.

Theo : Same.


Theo : Rodney Farnsworth is driving me crazy!

Matt : What is the neighbor from Hades  doing now? He's not trying to get all the neighbors to sign his ignorant petition to force you all to sell the house and move? Because you're ungodly or such other nonsense?

Theo: No. That went nowhere fast. The other neighbors are wonderful. They seem to like us well enough. Especially after we had that cookout and invited everyone. They even wore the masks and used the hand sanitizer I gave out. Although I think most just came to get a up close look at you guys. The famous and well loved Mayor Saint and yourself. And Livvie the future social media influencer. Thanks for coming btw.

Matt : Like you could keep us away. The kids alone would have killed us if we didn't come. You know they're besties for life. Livvie is always texting Benji. And vice versa. So what is the old prune doing now?

Theo : He's trying to get us to take down our Halloween decorations. Reed spent all day setting it all up. Farnsworth made a personal complaint to the Neighborhood Home Association. Can you believe him ! It's not bad enough I have to deal with him at the PTA. I wish he'd get on his broom and fly away.

Matt : You're not taking them down are you? I hope not. They're fun as hell and we all need some fun. The past few years has been awful. Reed catching covid. Saint getting it. Winnie getting it and finding out  it was just his imagination and a bad allergy. We need fun. We saw your place. It's amazing. Love that witch on the roof that looks like your sister Grace. And Frankenstein coming out of the garage. Rofl.

Theo : My baby put his foot in it as he says. And Hell no we're not taking it down. We love holidays. Especially Halloween. On this one Farnsworth can go fuck himself on a broomstick.

Matt : I'm sure his poor wife wishes he would. I saw her at the Trader's Joe last weekend. She had a black eye. She claims she walked into a door. I gave her a card to the battered woman shelter I volunteer at. She rejected it and seemed offended.

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