Chapter Fourteen

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Theo had finally in the wee hours of the morning convinced Matt and Saint to go home. Before leaving Saint managed to get a pair of hospital scrubs for Theo so  he could take off the Holmes costume. Then he and Matt hugged Theo tightly and left. Then Theo called Lieutenant Rhodes to set the record straight.

He told her of his past relationship with Pierce and that the man was not to be trusted. He told her that yes Reed had had issues with Rodney but they were all started by the dead man. He told her that his husband would never kill anyone. He told her to stay away from Reed. He told her to leave them alone.

Rhodes , for once , acted like a real human being and gave him her sympathy over Reed's condition. Then she said she was still actively investigating and would be in touch.

" And this is my investigation," she said," not yours or your little friend Matt St. Austin. If there is any interference from either of you I will have you both arrested for interfering with justice. I don't care who his husband is. "

" Sure you do ," Theo said before he hung up.

After he hung up with her he went back to Reed's private hospital room ( Saint's doing) to find their family doctor India Harrison looking through his medical chart. She glanced at him with a slight smile. " Hello , Theo. Nice scrubs. It appears Superman here got into some kryptonite. I wouldn't worry though. It wasn't a mild stroke but it wasn't as bad as it could have been. He's still unconscious but hopefully he'll wake up soon to torment you. I've checked his tests. He may have issues but he may not. He is a strong man so his recovery should be good. Has he been taking his BP meds regularly?"

Theo swallowed hard. " I don't know. Dear God. I don't know. "

India clicked her teeth and closed the chart. " I assume the stubborn ass didn't tell you. Well . Once he recovers you have my doctor approval to kick his ass. Several times. "

For the first time since Reed had started convulsing Theo smiled weakly. " Thank you. I will. "
Then he sat in the chair by his husband's bed and reached for his hand. The doctor patted him on his back and then left the room.

Theo sat and waited for his husband to wake up again.


Reed was naked in a dark room. He was banging on the wall and screaming," Let me out! Let me out ! Theo ! Where are you! "

In the corner Todd Deets laughed harshly.


Reed's eyes fluttered open. He saw Theo looking at him while holding his hand.

" I'm..... I'm...... ," Reed said softly. " I'm...."

" Don't speak," Theo said. " Just rest. Please rest. You scared me. You scared us all. "

Theo pressed tender kisses to Reed's face , mindful not to disturb any tubes.

" You almost made me a damn single parent. I love you. "

Reed whispered," Love..... You....."

Reed fluttered his eyes closed once more.


Reed Fisher was still naked and banging the wall and screaming.

" I was right about you ," said Rodney Farnsworth.

Reed turned on the dead man. " You know nothing about me. Nothing. Get the fuck out of here! I'm sure Satan is waiting on you in hell. "

Rodney laughed. " Fisher, you think you're a man. You're nothing. You're weak. Look where you are. Just an aging pretty boy in a dying body. Trapped in a hospital bed. Attached to tubes and machines. Who is going to protect your family now? Your little pansy man and your rude kid ? Who is going to save them? There's a killer out there. They're in danger. Your family is in danger because you failed to protect them. You'll die and I'll see you in hell. "

" So will I ," Todd Deets snarled. He looked the same as before. Except for the big bullet hole in his forehead. " Hello , friend. I can't wait until the killer gets your precious Theo."


Reed jerked back awake and his eyes went to Theo who was asleep in the chair. Still holding his hand.

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