Chapter Seven

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Reed was the one to open the front door after he heard the pounding that sounded like the police. He was on the way out to pick up his blood pressure medicine refill from the drug store. The medicine he hadn't told Theo he was taking because he didn't want to worry him. At the sight of Rodney's red angry face Reed swallowed back a cuss word and forced what he hoped was a neutral smile on his face. Just like his parents had taught him.

" What can I do for you, Farnsworth? ," he said through painfully gritted together teeth.

" You can keep that rude brat of yours away from my kid ! "

Reed sighed deeply. He suspected this was coming from the moment he had seen the shy little boy crossing their front lawn looking for Benji. So did Theo. But Sam was not a bad kid and Benji liked him. Who were they to tell him he couldn't be friends with Sam because his father was a bigoted idiot? What kind of parental example would that be?

" Sorry, Farnsworth, but I don't control my son's friendships like that. "

The other man sneered," I should have known. Not even man enough to keep your kid in line. Well I am. I see that rude kid in my yard again I will show him some real discipline. "

Reed sucked in a breath. Was that bastard threatening his son ? He poked the man's chest hard. He took pleasure in how easily Farnsworth flinched. " You ever touch my child that will be the last thing you ever do. "

Suddenly the man's wife appeared behind him. She timidly said," Rodney, dear , we need to go home. Neighbors are looking. "

Farnsworth turned on her. He grabbed her by the shoulder and whispered something that Reed couldn't hear. Something that made the woman pale greatly. But at least they left his porch.

Reed wished they had never purchased the house.

Then an odd bout of dizziness overtook him so fast he had to sit down on the creaky white painted porch swing until it passed.

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