Chapter Five

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The elderly Simon Johns didn't like the look on his nephew's handsome smug face as the man peered out of the living room window.

Especially since Pierce was looking straight at that nice young family's house.

Oh. Why oh why hadn't he remembered that he had met Theodore before. It had only been once. Pierce had come to the house with the funny shy young man.

It had been Theodore Walton Fisher. Simon shook his grizzled old head. Pierce hadn't appreciated that young man. Not then. Simon had seen it back then and wanted to warn the young man whose eyes had been only for Pierce. The retired social worker still wanted to warn Theodore about his nephew.

Simon gritted his teeth so hard they might break and he tapped his wolf headed cane on the wooden floor impatiently. His nephew didn't care about Theodore back then. Or now. He just hated to lose anything. Especially to a far more superior man like Dr. Reed Fisher.

Pierce smiled like a purebred poodle smelling nearby prime rib. " Uncle, dearest, I hear you are throwing one of your Halloweeny bashes ! The first since that annoying pandemic with it's six feet nonsense and silly masks. I hate the masks. Why would I ever cover such perfection as my face with a mere mask ? Are you inviting Theo and his Super Alpha hubby? "

Simon clicked his teeth. He yearned to say no but his always crafty nephew would see right through it. He would find out anyway somehow.

Simon nodded.

" Then invite me as well, Uncle. I think it's fun to get reacquainted with an old friend. Maybe Theo learned some new tricks from his hubby. "

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