Chapter Three

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Theodore Walton - Fisher loved fall. It was his favorite season and had always been even as a short skinny - bony young boy running all about his Texas hometown all those years ago. Now he was a short skinny - bony adult man with a family of his own he adored in Washington DC. And he still loved the season of Fall.

He loved the leaves on the trees changing color the most. Especially the enormous old oak tree in their front yard. He didn't even mind raking up those leaves when they scattered down so much colorful confetti to the bright green grass. Like his late father he was beginning to enjoy gardening and yardwork. Which was what he and his family was doing on this particular warm beautiful Saturday afternoon.

Theo had raked with Benji holding open the big black trash bag for him to deposit the leaves in. Once his young son had stopped dive bombing the already raked leaves that was. Reed was washing and polishing Theo's beloved Corvette which he had inherited from his late father Malcolm Walton.

Theo admired Reed's tight ass in his loose fitting denim jeans shorts. " Looking good , He Man , " Theo called out with a loud whistle at his husband who had since stripped off his sweat stained old holey Texas A&M tee shirt to reveal the most gorgeous male chest Theo had ever seen in his born days. Theo , not for the first time , silently thanked the Lord that Reed had chosen him to love over all the other available gay and bi men in the planet. That he kept loving Theo.

Reed smiled at him and winked saucily one of his devastating dark eyes. " You not so bad yourself , darling ! "

Theo flushed , cursing his pale skin that refused to tan but just burnt and exposed all his blushes to the world. Yes he was also shirtless and wearing baggy old man beige shorts and battered sneakers that had seen better days but his puny body was no comparison to Reed's. Even with all the walking he and Reed had started doing doing the pandemic to ease his own anxiety and help Reed lose the few pounds he was always moaning about. Maybe he should join Matt at that gym of his and Saint's. Matt himself was not in the league of wrestlers with big bad muscles but his pecs were getting pretty firm. Saint seemed to enjoy his husband getting buffed up. Theo wondered how his own husband would react to his getting all muscled up. Unless Theo just dropped a weight or two on his foot , he inwardly laughed.

Then Theo was hit in the face by a sharp blast of water from the garden hose their laughing son held. " I surrender , I surrender , " he laughed as he playfully wrestled the hose from the child's hands and then wiped off his hated glasses. He wished he wasn't allergic to contacts. The eye doctor said his eyes were actually getting worse while his fraternal twin sister Grace claimed hers were getting better. He didn't know there was better than 20/20.

He heard Reed laughing at him. Oh , laugh now , Theo thought as he pictured the punishment he had planned for his husband later that night as they retired to bed. They might be in their fifties but they weren't dead yet.

" Can I go call Livvie ? , " Benji asked. " She needs help with her baby homework. And I am a math genius , you know. " It was true and not just the child playfully bragging. Benji was extremely gifted in the areas of math and science. Now reading was another story. Benji considered reading torture. The getting bigger and taller for his age every day boy with his jet black curly hair and mischievous brown eyes crossed his arms and smiled securely. He knew neither of his dads could say no to him. Just like Livvie's daddies couldn't say no to her. Right now Livvie was trying to convince her parents to move closer to Benji and his family so they could go to the same school. Benji knew she could do it.

" I don't know , " Theo teased. " Didn't you all talk or text like ten minutes ago ? "

" PAPA ! Ten minutes ago I was helping you do yardwork. You're getting old. "

Reed laughed. Theo did too and told his son to go help Livvie with her " baby homework " then wash up for dinner later. Theo was planning to make barbecued chicken and potato salad. Matt had given him a great recipe for the salad ( no , it did not have raisins in it ; Matt St.Austin was what Theo and Reed's surrogate son Winnie called a " spicy White " ).

As Benji ran off towards the house ( the child never walked when he could run ; he had too much energy ) Theo told Reed to drink some water. His husband's face was sweating a little too much and it worried him. Reed hated Theo babying him but he couldn't help. When Reed had covid and isolated himself in a room away from Theo and Benji Theo had been afraid he was going to lose the man. He went behind Reed and asked , " You feeling ok , sweetie ? "

Reed smiled widely and pulled him into his arms for a warm loving hug. " Never better. Stop worrying , baby. " Reed leaned down and tickled Theo's nose with his own. Then he claimed Theo's lips with a rather demanding kiss.

Rodney Farnsworth looked over the chain link fence before his own house. He snarled rudely , " Hey ! Knock it off ! This is a family Christian neighborhood. Least it was before you two perverts moved in. Take that smut inside. "

Theo's face flushed again. This time with anger not embarrassment. Reed went over to confront the obnoxious man, saying , " If you do not wish to see two adults expressing their love I would advise you to go back in your own fucking house. Perhaps you should kiss your wife instead of yelling at her like the bully you are ? "

Rodney smirked nastily. " Love ? Is that what you freaks call it ? I can't believe the city actually allowed you people to pollute that poor boy's head ! There should be a law ! "

" Hey ! , " they heard Benji yelling from the wraparound front porch where he stood , holding his birthday present : a cell phone. " Don't you talk to my fathers like that ! Dad's right ! You're a bully ! "

Both Theo and Reed were proud of their son but they knew he couldn't talk to adults in that manner. Even ignorant adults like Rodney Farnsworth. Theo called out sternly , " Go inside and make your call , son. That's enough of that. "

" But PAPA ! "

Reed lifted an eyebrow at their son and folded his arms simply. That was all Benji needed to see. He went back inside , telling Livvie on the phone softly , " I hate the man across the street. "

Rodney stomped across the street and into their front yard. " That's one rude spoiled kid. My sons would never speak to me that way. But they're not reared by perverts like you two. They need to take that boy and put him in a normal home. I should write a letter or two. "

Theo had heard enough. He retorted , " Don't you ever mention our son again. He is none of your concern ! "

He wanted to add that Rodney should pay more attention to his own children. The whole neighborhood was still talking about how his and Laurie Lynn's oldest boy , Keith , had been arrested for stealing cigarettes from the local Korean market. And it wasn't the boy's first offense either. Theo heard Keith might end up in a juvenile facility this time. Theo hated prejudging anyone but every time he saw the big cocky smirking Keith , who was the very image of his father , he got shivers all over. The kid gave him the creeps. And so did his damn father. Keith Farnsworth ran with a rough teen crowd. They drove too fast in a neighborhood full of kids running about. They drank , they smoked , they did drugs. They were mean as hell. With Keith the apple didn't fall too far from the big angry tree.

Rodney loomed over Theo. " What you say to me , you little pansy ? "

Reed stepped between the man and Theo. He looked angry to the point a vein in his forehead was beginning to throb. " Leave my family alone. Or it's me you have to deal with , Farnsworth. "

Theo was about to say something to defuse the situation when he heard a voice from the sidewalk. A very familiar voice. A very condescending familiar voice.

" Theodore ! What on earth are you doing here ? Did you get lost on the way to your therapy appointment ? "


Theo's deeply expressive brown eyes fluttered closed behind his horn rimmed glasses. Fuck it all. After all these years.

Fuck it all.

It was Dr. Pierce Johns. His annoying psychologist ex lover.

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