Chapter Eighteen

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Theo couldn't believe his ears.

Simon Johns had killed Rodney Farnsworth.

Simon Johns had just confessed to him.

Simon Johns was in his house with Benji.

Simon Johns was a killer.

Why had he let Simon in ?

His voice was oddly calm as he asked ," You killed Rodney Farnsworth?"

Simon laughed without any trace of mirth. " Yes. I killed him. I had had enough of him. His rudeness. His ignorant ways. His bigotry. He beat his wife. He ignores young Sam. It was a moment when everyone was making merry. Everyone loves my parties. I guess that was my last one. Oh well. I distracted him upstairs. I demanded he leave you and your family alone. If he didn't I told him I would tell India Harrison how her aunt died. It was not a legal crime what he did to Bessie but an immoral one ! He was immoral! India could sue him though. Maybe. It wouldn't bring Bessie back though. He laughed at me. Called me a stupid old useless man. He was still laughing when I hit him with my cane. " Theo looked at the cane the old man held. " He stopped laughing. He stopped everything. I killed my nephew too. He said he saw me kill Rodney. He was willing to hide what I did because he wanted Reed blamed. He didn't want you, Theo. He just didn't want anyone else to have you. He was always a selfish lad. I looked at him in my house this afternoon. I listened to him. He sounded so smug and arrogant. Just like Farnsworth.  So I killed him too. I beat him with my cane. He got away but not for long. I'm not sorry. I'm glad. I have dementia. I won't go to prison. Most likely some hospital or nursing home for wayward old killers. "

Theo was almost devastated. He actually liked this man. Simon Johns seemed so.... so..... honorable.

" What now , Simon?"

Simon sighed deeply. " I wanted to tell you first. So maybe you can help me turn myself in. This nightmare ends tonight. "

Theo reached out for the old man's hand. With his other hand he called Lieutenant Rhodes. He really did need that woman on speed dial.

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