Chapter Eight

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When Theo had returned home that night after picking up Benji from his Pee-wee football practice Benji headed upstairs to do homework and text Livvie and Sam. Theo went looking for his husband. He found Reed in their bedroom. He was sound asleep on their bed. Even in slumber he looked exhausted. Looking at him filled Theo with such guilt. It had been Theo's idea to buy the house. India had said it was perfect for them and when they saw it Theo realized she was right. It was like the house had always been waiting for them. It was like the house welcomed them home.

Theo loved this house but was it worth putting up with the ass across the street? The feud was putting unnecessary stress on his man and Theo didn't like that. Maybe they shouldn't have bought it.

Then his eyes caught sight of something on the nightstand near Reed. A pill bottle. He picked it up and read the front of bottle.

Blood pressure medicine? Reed hadn't mentioned this to him. In fact Reed had said that his physical went fine. What else was his husband keeping from him ? , Theo thought. He put the bottle back down and settled on the bed next to Reed who woke up groggily.

" Hey , darling," he said sleepily.

" You look terrible. "

Reed laughed. " You do know how to sweet talk a man. "

" Only you, sweetie. Only you. "

Reed smiled and went back to sleep.

Leaving Theo to think and worry.

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