Chapter One

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                        October 2025

Reed Fisher, animal caretaker at the National Zoo, husband of the past several years to an attractive and quirky accountant who still made his heart quicken and father of a curiously inquisitive and sensitive nine year old Black boy, sat back in the uncomfortable chair across from their family doctor. He was waiting for the results of his latest physical exam. He wasn't feeling sickly but during the pandemic a few years ago he had caught a nasty bout of covid and Theo wanted to make sure he was back to being one hundred percent healthy.  At fifty one Reed didn't feel too bad but he wasn't feeling up to running races either.  He sat forward and adjusted the medical mask his husband had him wearing even though they both and all their friends were completely up to date on their covid vaccines. So was their son Benji and Matt and Saint's seven year old daughter Livvie. None of them were taking chances with their health. Especially with both Theo and Matt being immune compromised after their individual bouts with cancer.

" So what is the verdict, Doc ? ," he said wryly as he ran his dark brown hand over his close cropped salt and pepper hair. He hated the grey but Theo said it made him look distinguished and even more sexy. Dignified. Maybe. Reed thought it just made him look old.

Dr. India Harrison smiled warmly at him. She was wearing her own mask so he could not see it but he could literally feel the smile shining through the fabric. " You're in great shape, Reed. The covid didn't affect you that much. Being vaxxed helped you. I'm pretty sure that's all due to your worrywart but adorable husband. Except for one thing. "

Reed raised a busy eyebrow at her wordlessly. What was he supposed to start worrying about now? It was always something. He was getting older and was more tired than his younger days. His father had always said getting old wasn't for chumps.

The tall athletic dark skinned woman said ," Nothing to worry about much. Your BP is just a little bit high. With your family history of high blood pressure and heart condition and the previous covid I just want to caution you about eating better and using less salt, not getting stressed, yadda, yadda, yadda. You know all that jazz. I'm writing you a prescription for a BP med that should help keep it regulated. "

As she scribbled out the prescription, he thought idly that stress was pretty hard to avoid now that he and Theodore had bought her late aunt's six bedroom Victorian house on Chestnut Street. Oh it was a beautiful house and they all loved it. It was big enough for them to think about adding another adopted child to their family tree. It had a big yard in the back that Theo had added a veggie garden too with apple trees as well. Benji and Livvie loved exploring the big old space. And it was still close to their family friends Saint and Matt. Most of the neighbors were nice.

Except for the one across the way. The ex Army man and owner of four used car lots throughout the DC Metro area. The president of the PTA who was trying to push through a ban of books like Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry and anything queer related. The PTA at Benji's new school where Theo was doing more volunteer work at since the now fifty year old was cutting back on his accounting work. That neighbor was anything but nice.

India leaned back in her swivel chair and handed him the prescription. She examined his face carefully. " Speaking of stress how goes the move to Auntie Bess's old house? All moved in ? Liking it?"

Reed nodded politely.

" Hmmm. That good huh. I'm betting you just love the little fascist bastard across the way. Aunt Bess could not stand the man. She always said that Rodney Farnsworth would end up badly one day. Little Nazi turd. "

He nodded. He agreed with her late aunt. He just hoped he didn't end up beating the hell out of Rodney Farnsworth one day soon

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