Chapter Ten

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" Welcome to my uncle's lair ," Pierce proclaimed with a devilish smile that revealed pretty realistic looking fangs. Theo wondered who the man planned to bite that night. Not him.

They all stepped into the simple dark foyer.

" Nice to see you all , especially you , Mr. Mayor," Pierce said dramatically. " I would like to pick you and your brain on the mental health funding that is due to come up for a city council vote soon. I do hope you plan to approve it when passed. "

Saint smiled politely but it didn't reach his blue eyes. " Call my office during working hours. Make an appointment with my secretary if you wish to talk. Or even better with my deputy mayor Lindsey Keyes. Tonight I'm not the mayor. I'm just a mild routine mundane clown out to create trouble and mayhem. Come on , M , let's go find something to drink ! I'm dry as fuck ! "

As the clown and the oddly tall Bilbo went off to search for the bar , Reed and Theo held hands and looked at who else had attended the Halloween party of the decade. Pierce took note of them holding hands and smiled in a rather sinister way. " By the way, Theodore, congratulations on your little wedding. The marriage. The child. The very happy family life. How dreadfully dull. Didn't think you were interested in all that but it fits you so well. "

As he spoke Pierce leaned closer to Theo with his hand on the smaller man's shoulder. It made Theo uncomfortable especially due to the electric current that surged through him at his ex's touch. He moved away from Pierce's reach and Pierce grinned madly.

Reed regarded the man coldly. " I guess he just needed the right man to inspire those thoughts. Right, Pierce ? Or should I say Count ? "

Pierce smiled colder as he looked at Reed. And Theo. Ignoring Reed , Pierce purred ," You are looking good tonight, Theodore. Very good. "

Reed said ," MY husband looks good every night. Darling, let's follow our friends and find the bar. I need a drink. Where's our real host at ? "

Leaving the now irritated looking therapist behind they swept into the living room which had been transformed with many flimsy cobwebs, coffins and moving skeletons. Only they were greeted by not Simon Johns but another ass. Dressed as a rigid civil war soldier ( representing the South of course) , Rodney Farnsworth grunted," Jesus, can't I get one break from the perverts ? "

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