Chapter Eleven

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" Reed , Theo ," Simon Johns, in his new persona of a stately Dumbledore , pronounced grandly. " Welcome to my home! And my annual Halloween party. I do so hope you enjoy yourselves tonight. Please forgive any discomfort you may face tonight. " With that last statement, the elderly man leaned on his constant cane and glared at Rodney. " Mr. Farnsworth, you were not invited. I would never invite the likes of you. But so not to disturb the party you may stay. "

Rodney opened his mouth to probably issue an insult but it was cut off by his wife Laurie Lynn ( dressed as a Victorian era lady ) who complimented Theo and Reed on their costumes. Seconded by another neighbor Dawn Maxwell , who worked at the Pentagon by day and now masqueraded as a very tipsy Little Red Riding Hood . Her husband Dave was dressed as the axe man.

The party was nice. The company was fun. The music good. The drinks flowing. The food tasty. Even Matt approved the food. Theo and Reed were having a good time.

Although they should realize that on All Hallows Eve even the best of intentions often times turned out to be the worst.

After his third red wine Theo was very relaxed. Also he was very unsteady on his feet, leaning even more on his equally tipsy husband. Reed was very much enjoying the apple martinis that Simon said was his specialty. For that matter there was not many sober people to be found in the house that night. Especially Saint and Matt who were now slow dancing to a fast song. Theo and Reed agreed that their friends and Livvie were sleeping over that night. After all it wouldn't do for the mayor to get pulled over for drunk driving while dressed as a clown.

Theo was also feeling the urge for the bathroom so he pulled himself off the sofa clumsily and whispered that he would be back. Reed nodded with his eyes closed and sipped his drink.

Theo was proud of himself for going up the winding staircase without falling down it. Once on the second darkened floor he set out in search of a bathroom. A port a potty. Anything. His bladder was apparently as puny as the rest of him. Finally he found a quaint flowered wallpaper bathroom and relieved himself with much relief. After he rinsed his hands, he quickly left the bathroom to rejoin the party. Only to be grabbed by a panic stricken vampire.

" Pierce! What the fuck are you up to? Get your damn hands off me ! "

Pierce leaned over him and exclaimed," What the hell did that husband of yours do , Theodore? What kind of madman did you marry! "

" What ? What are you talking about? "

Pierce didn't answer Theo. He practically dragged the resisting man along with him to a bedroom down the hall.

A bedroom where the body of Rodney Farnsworth lay on the bloody carpet. His head was bashed in an awful mess.

Theo felt sick and it was not from the alcohol.

The man was dead.

" Damn it, Theodore! The whole neighborhood knows there was bad blood between Farnsworth and your husband. That they hated each other. But to kill him over it ? That's insane! And at my uncle's party ! Very bad taste! "

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