Chapter Fifteen

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Reed had awakened and literally found the strength to make his husband go home. " Rest," he whispered weakly.

Theo kissed his forehead. " You too. "

As he left the hospital room Theo heard his husband say ," Be ..... careful. You..... My ..... Life. "


Theo had phoned Matt for a ride and the younger man was there in record time. As they drove back to Theo's house Matt filled him in with the Hell Neighbor murder case. Saint said the police were stumped as usual with no clues as usual. And Pierce kept saying that Reed had killed Rodney. Most of the neighbors including Simon Johns told the police that the so called feud was primarily Rodney's doing.

Theo was worried. He was worried about his husband in the hospital and weak from a stroke. He was worried about his son who was home with Winnie. He was worried that the cops would try to pin this on his husband. He was worried Reed might go to jail for a crime he didn't commit. He was worried that Reed might die on him.

" Don't worry," Matt said. " My husband the mayor got the hospital to put a strict rule on Reed. No visitors except family and friends. No cops will get close to Reed. Not until he is better. Saint is all over this. He's watching Rhodes close. He doesn't like doing favors for people but this is special. This is our family. It'll give us time to figure this thing out. Lucy and Ethel style. "

Theo couldn't help grinning. He really couldn't be down around Matt. " I don't know about that. Rhodes warned me about us investigating. "

Matt wrinkled his nose like he smelled something foul. " Fuck that bitch. I still remember when her ass suspected me of killing a man I didn't even know. She made me have the worst panic attack ever. She messes with me or you Saint will have her ass in a sling. She'll be doing security at McDonald's. Pure and simple. I'm not lying about us considering you all family. You are. My parents are dead. I have no siblings. Saint is estranged from his father. You're our family. For better or worse. That bitch doesn't scare me. "

They started plotting out possible suspects as Matt drove through DC traffic.

The wife who they knew was being abused by Rodney.

Pierce because he was a asshole.

Other neighbors who held a grudge against Rodney.

People who purchased one of his shitty cars.

His older kids maybe.

As Matt pulled before Theo's house they saw the newly widowed Laurie Lynn on her knees before an unconscious man that was sprawled untidily on the sidewalk in front of the house.

She looked up with big eyes. She looked scared. They quickly approached her.

" I just found him here! ," she cried out. " He looks like someone attacked him! Just like my poor Rodney! "

Theo gently rolled over the man and gasped.

It was Pierce.

He was laying still with blood maiming his handsome face.

Matt dropped to his jean clad knees and checked for a pulse like Saint had taught him. " Shit. Theo. I think he is dead. "

Theo swallowed a curse. He pulled out his cell to call Lieutenant Rhodes.

What the fuck was going on in his nice safe quiet neighborhood?

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