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He wants dinner as a thank you for buying me a two cookies and a coffee.
After my incident I did notice that he seemed to be having a few lunches at the restaurant, it took me by surprise after not having seen him before.

I had been meaning to thank him for helping me that day at the cafe but it just never seemed right, part of me wanted to forget the entire thing. He's seen me twice now in embarrassing situations I don't want him to think I'm someone who is helpless.

When I saw him sat at the bar alone I finally sucked up enough courage to thank him so I approached him with the hope of buying him a drink as a thank you.
A drink that was something I could stretch to but he asked for dinner.

I immediately said no claiming it was inappropriate because he was my boss.
Which yes it is but it still doesn't stop me dreaming about climbing him like a tree.
Anyway enough of that thought!

The main reason I said no is because I could probably stretch to a happy meal at McDonald's and something tells me that's not what he had in mind when he asked me.

Now as I sit on the subway home I'm panicking as to how I'm going to afford a meal out with someone who's super rich and probably use to really fancy food.
I'm thinking maybe I should cancel.

Nope I'm too tired to think so I'm just not going to think about it right now, I just want to pick Ruby up from Mrs Jones and sink into bed.

It was a busy day the next day at the restaurant which thankfully distracted me from thinking of the dinner.
But eventually I realised I couldn't leave him waiting too long. I checked my diary and made sure I didn't have a shift at the bar and checked that Mrs Jones can babysit Ruby for me.

I text James that evening.

It's Lily. How is dinner this Thursday at 6?

Anxiousness flows through me as I wait for his response.

Dinner at 6 sounds great I will make a reservation.

Not sure what I was expecting but I suddenly feel sick, he's definitely not making a reservation at McDonald's.

I check my bank account and take note of what I could possibly afford, yeah not a lot as expected.

This has disaster written all over it, maybe I really should cancel?
No that would be rude:
But it's going to be embarrassing when I can't pay the bill.

What the fuck do I do?

I'm know I'm going to have to pick up extra shifts at the bars to earn more tips to help cover it.
Does that make me a bad parent though? I feel like I'm not spending that much time with my daughter recently.

Sunday's are the day I get to spend most by time with her but it just doesn't feel like enough. I know I should look for a new job but between juggling two jobs and looking after Ruby I don't seem to be able to find the time to look.

She loves Mrs Jones thankfully as she's like the grandmother she never had, someone who spoils her even though I tell her she's doesn't have to constantly.
Ruby has a little blow up mattress there so she can sleep on evenings I work late, and depending on what time I get back from my shift I either collect her that night or wait till morning.

On Wednesday I work at the restaurant and then thankfully the bar was able to give me a shift which finished later than I expected, so I didn't get in till 2am and have to be up for work again at 5:30am.

Begin Again (Bucky Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now