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She's lying to me I can tell.
Something is holding her back from telling me the truth I can tell.

While there may be some truth to what she's saying about rumours it's not the full truth.
I decide not to push for now, but I want the truth from her eventually.

"It shouldn't matter what people think" my voice firm.
Fuck everyone else.

"Thank you for the ride but I should get inside" she says and heads inside without another look back.

Every day this week I've had Hank pick her up and take her to work and back, I've joined them for two of mornings.
I've enjoyed our morning drives as Ruby chats away to me, but Lily is still cautious over the whole thing.

It's Friday morning and I've got the coffees and a hot chocolate for Ruby that I decided to pick up for us as a treat in my hand as I wait for them to appear.
Checking time on my watch I realise it's just past the time they should be out I start to worry.
I wait a couple more minutes and they still don't appear.

Heading inside I walk up to Lily's floor.
God I hate the fact that she is living here, everyday this week it's taken all that I have not to demand they move but that's not my place to overstep.

As I knock on Lily's door I hear a weak come in being shouted.

What the hell.
As I open the door anger consumes me at the fact she's not locked her door and I can just walk straight into the apartment.

Why the fuck isn't the door locked.
My anger is suppressed when I look to see Ruby on looking pale sat laying on the bed and Lily pretty much collapsed against bathroom tiles.

Placing the drinks down I quickly make my way to Ruby. As I place the back of my hand on her head and she feels like she's burning up.

Shit should she be that warm?

"I feel icky" she groans.
"Oh I know princess but I'm just gonna check on your mom then I will be right back" I try and soothe her.

"You shouldn't be here" Lily groans before emptying the contents of her stomach in the toilet.
Instinctively I reach out to rub her back.

I take a moment to take in the tiny bathroom that has way too much mould and is probably uninhabitable, waves of frustration roll off me as I take in the crappy conditions she obviously forced to live in as no one would choose this place willingly.

I'm also fighting the urge to tell her off about the door not being locked meaning anyone could just stroll in but that can wait, because right now I need to help her and Ruby.

"Momma" Ruby cries from the bed as she sick.
"Oh baby" Lily groans trying to stand.

I help her walk to Ruby who she picks up and cuddles.
The smell of sick is strong and have to fight back the urge to gag myself.

"Should I call an ambulance?" I ask feeling slightly out of my depth here, they both look like death and it's making me panic.

"No we don't need an ambulance. It's just a stomach bug" Lily shakes her head.
"Are you sure?" I ask but already I know I'm calling my doctor to come check them out.
"Yes I'm sure" Lily confirms before turning her attention back to Ruby.

"Let's get you cleaned up baby" Lily says but she clearly doesn't have the strength to carry her.
"Let me go turn the shower on and I will help" I offer walking back into the cramped bathroom.

Turning on the water before I walk out and take my jacket off placing it on kitchen counter before
and roll my sleeves up.
I notice Lily staring at me as I head back to the bathroom and I try not to smile.

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