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I wake up with the worst aches all over my body, fuck this bed is way more uncomfortable than I originally thought it was.
But then I remember that after a long gruelling four days without Lily she's finally in my arms, as I'm reminded by her bare ass pressing into my morning glory.

Fuck last night was something special it marked my first time I ever made love to a woman rather than just fucking.
Looking into Lily's eyes as she come apart on my cock was the best sight I've ever seen in my whole thirty three years.

"It wasn't a dream you are here" she mumbles as she stirs and I can't help but smile at her.
"I'm here" I kiss her neck which earns me a wiggle of her ass.
"Lily you need to stop wiggling that ass if you don't want to be late for work" I growl and wish nothing more than to sink inside her right now.

"Hmm" is all she manages to say with her eyes still closed as she turns and snuggles into my chest.
I don't want to wake her she seems so peaceful but I know she would hate if I made the decision to not let her go into work today.

"Come on sleeping beauty" I gently shake her.
"You're so warm my own personal hot water bottle" she whispers.
God she's so fucking cute.

"Let me get you coffee while you shower" I say kissing the top of head.
"Hmm coffee" she smiles and I peel myself off her and throw on my jeans.
She stretches and I notice a slight wince.

"You sore?" I ask.
"Yeah but in the best way" she smirks at me.
"We can take a bath later at my apartment if you like to sooth it" I suggest.
"I have work remember at the bar so I won't have time" she reminds me.

"Is Mrs Jones having Ruby?" I ask hoping she will be able to help with my plan that I have to begin making amends.
"Yeah now shhh you talk to much in the morning I haven't had coffee" she sluggishly moves her delicious naked body into the bathroom.

It takes all my will power not to follow her but then I remember her tiny shower and how it definitely won't fit both of us.

I get to work on making her a coffee and search the cupboards for food so I can make us a breakfast, but that idea is soon abandoned when I realise there's not much in.
Another thing to add to my to do list for the day is grocery shopping for Lily.

Lily walks out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel as she walks around the apartment looking for her work clothes.
"You're staring" she teases.
"God you are the most beautiful woman" I smile at her and she blushes at my compliment.
"You're just being polite I'm not beautiful" she brushes off my words.

I walk up to her and grab her softly forcing her to look me in the eyes.
"Lily you are breathtakingly beautiful" I dip my head to kiss her. "Don't ever for a second doubt your beauty, you don't realise that you turn heads everywhere you go and I have to do my best to not grab hold of you and declare you're mine"

"I'm yours?" She whispers ignoring the rest of my words but we will work on her self-esteem another time.
"Yes you are mine if you are okay with that?" I ask her with a huge smile on my face but also feel slightly nervous to hear her answer.

What if I pushed it too soon?
"Very much so" she now smiles back at me with her eyes brimming with tears, and I let out the breath I've been holding.

Thank fuck for that.

"Get that pretty ass dressed before I take you back to bed and have my way with you, I will make the coffee" I give a quick kiss and move back to the kitchen needing to put space between us before I make good on the words I just spoke.

"Thank you" she smiles at me a few minutes later when I hand her the fresh steaming cup coffee exactly the way she likes it, milk with one sugar.
"We can grab some breakfast on the way" I say before taking a sip of my coffee.

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