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I had watched from my car as she paced back and forth on the sidewalk, thinking she looked cute being nervous.
She's wearing her coat that looks like it's not really built for a cold New York winter, her toned legs look bare and they look longer due to the heels she's in.

Her hair is down and blowing in the wind and when I saw her rep lipstick I instantly thought I would love to see that smudged all over my dick.

But it wasn't till she turned to leave that I jumped out of the car calling her name, I wasn't letting her get away again.

When she turned to face me and gave me a rather faked looking polite smile I knew something wasn't right. As she began to explain that she couldn't afford to pay for the meal anger flowed through my body.
Did she really think so little of me that I would invite her to restaurant like this and expect her to pick up the bill.

But after seeing how vulnerable she looked my anger subsided pretty quickly and I reassured her that I'm a gentleman and would never expect her to pay.
It took a moment for her to accept it as she wondered why I asked her for dinner as thank you for me paying for something for her but would be paying again.
Having her company was the payment and hopefully getting some answers.

She was then was embarrassed over what she was wearing and I couldn't help but instantly reassure her by telling her that she would be the most beautiful woman in that restaurant.

It's true her beauty is so natural and enticing and it's humbling to see that she's not even aware of the effect she has on people.
There's no fakeness to her beauty or her.

Sliding my hand down her arm I work my way down until I tangle our fingers together and I can't help but feel the electricity that flows through the touch.
Placing my hand of the small of her back I lead us up the stairs into the restaurant.

This is my night to finally get some answers to questions I've been dying to know.

After ignoring the clearly flirty looks the maitre d' is giving me, I help Lily out of her coat before holding her chair out for her.

Fuck that dress she's wearing highlights her full breasts and I can't help but vision what it would feel like to squeeze them before sucking one of her buds into my mouth.
It also shows of the curves of her body and I picture my hands fitting perfectly round her hips as I hold her while she rides my dick.

Now I'm hard and have to try and adjust myself discreetly under the table.

A young waiter comes and distracts me from my thoughts and hands us a drinks menu, normally my dates just let me order but I want to know what she likes.

"Do you like wine?" I ask out of curiosity.
She continues looking at the menu without answering, like she's thinking about her answer.

"How about a bottle of red?" I ask after a minute of silence.
"Oh I don't really like red wine sorry" she replies nervously.

"That's fine. Champagne?" I now ask.
"Oh I'm not sure this is a champagne kind of meal" she's responds quietly. God she is adorable.

"Your finest bottle of champagne please" I decide to ignore her comment and order for us, she deserves to be spoilt.

"You didn't need to do that" she says looking sheepish.
"Lily it's fine, I've had a long day at work and I bet you have too so we deserve a little treat" I can't help but smile at how different she seem to the usual woman I date.

The fact that she responds by thanking me definitely proves that, most woman expect or demand it.

"Anything you like the sound of?" I ask trying to  break the silence that's fallen over us.
"The pasta dish which I'm not going to try and pronounce sounds good" she replies while looking at her menu.

Begin Again (Bucky Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now