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As I watch Lily enter the hotel my mind can't help but flick back to the list I saw on her countertop this morning.
Was she seriously considering giving up eating to save money?
There is no way in hell I'm going to let that happen, she's not starving herself and letting just Ruby eat.

The list of things she was considering to help her save money was crazy but clearly she's refuses to let me help her.

Pulling out my phone while I sit outside the hotel I call Wanda since she will have the staff rota, I want to know exactly how many extra shifts Lily has taken on.

"James how are you" Wanda answers the phone within three rings.
"I'm good thank you, hope you're okay. I was wondering if you were able to send me the staff rota for the hotel" that shouldn't seem suspicious.

"I'm good thanks, of course I can is there any reason for this?" She asks.
"Just want to make sure we have enough staff to cover the Christmas rush" I lie.
"Of course. Oh I was wondering if you had seen Lily today and if she was okay after yesterday" her voice is cautious.

My stomach drops at Wanda's words, Lily never mentioned anything happened.
"What happened yesterday?" My tone is tight and I'm already climbing out the car to go see Wanda in person.

"Oh did she not mention anything" her tone now embarrassed.
"I'm coming to see you now and you can explain in person" I hang up before she can argue.

If something happened with Lily I want to know about it.
Marching through the lobby I make my way to the elevators and up to Wanda's office to which she has already left the door open for me.

"James" she gives me a sheepish smile.
"What was this about something happening with Lily yesterday?" I get straight to the point.
"I shouldn't have said anything, you should ask her"

"I'm asking you" my voice harsher than I intended "I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to come out that harsh I'm just worried" I sigh and Wanda clearly takes pity on me.

"Lily was crying to Peter in the staff room when I went in so I asked if she was okay and she said there was some issue with her ex and also childcare for Ruby" Wanda's face doesn't look happy to be spilling Lily's secret.

Why would she not say anything to me about this and cry to Peter instead.
The urge to go and confront her was strong but I didn't want to cause a scene in the restaurant that wouldn't exactly look professional.

But can I confront her?
If I do then she would know Wanda or Peter betrayed her and I didn't want to ruin her having people she felt she could confide in.
Why did it hurt that I wasn't one of these people?

"I've emailed you the staff rota" Wanda breaks the silence.
Quickly pulling out my phone I'm quick to see that Lily has taken on a lot more shifts.

I have the means to help her so why won't she let me?
So many questions are racing through my head when a knock of the door interrupts my thoughts.

"I heard you were here and wondered if you wanted to check on our progress with the decorations" Carol our events planner asks.
"Of course" I give a quick nod.

"Please don't tell Lily I told you" Wanda whispers.
"I won't" I give a polite smile before leaving.

Going through the motions as I check on the preparations for the Christmas displays, my mind can't help but wonder to Lily.
Maybe she hasn't told me about what happened yesterday because she was too busy crying this morning and didn't want to tell me she cried yesterday except that whatever made her cry yesterday was obviously more important than running out of coffee.

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