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There was no way I was leaving her alone, I wanted to find out where her second job was.
The thought that she's been walking the streets alone at night doesn't sit well with me.

This area isn't known to be the friendliest of neighbourhoods.
Now that I'm aware that she works nights I'm not risking her walking home alone ever again, if anything ever happened to her I could never forgive myself.

To be completely honest if I had it my way she wouldn't need to work a second job, but I'm fully aware I'm not in the position to question her at the moment.

Following her into the building I can't help but stare at her ass that looks perky in her gym pants as we walk up the stairs.
Fuck it felt good beneath my palms and her breasts felt incredible, I was so close to wanting to fuck her in the car.

It wasn't until she reminded me that others could see them that he stopped, he didn't want any other fucker seeing her body.

She's said she wants to take it slow and he won't rush her but he can see himself taking plenty of cold showers in the future.

We reach the fourth floor and enter her tiny apartment.

"Fuck it's freezing in here" I shiver remembering we aren't wearing our coats.
"Heating isn't on" she states "Let me just grab the laundry then we can head to the basement."

I look around the apartment noticing that she doesn't have a washer in here, to be fair there isn't actually much space for one to fit.

She flits about the apartment before standing at the door looking at me.
"Oh wait quarters" she says heading to a little money pot.

"You have to pay to use the washers?" so far there's not one single thing about this apartment I like except the people living in it.
"Yeah" she shrugs like it's normal which I guess it is for some people.

We make our way down to the basement and the place looks creepy, definitely not somewhere I want Lily being.

She goes to insert the quarter but nothing happens.
"Is it broke?" I ask.

"Nope just old, hold on" she reaches behind the machine and fiddles with something and it comes to life.

"There we go" she beams but my heart is still racing thinking she could've got an electric shock or something.
"You okay?" She asks looking at me confused.

"That's not entirely safe is it?" I sigh.
"It's fine" how is she so calm about all this.

I make a note to find out who owns this hell hole so I can kick their ass to start getting things fixed, these aren't liveable conditions.

"You really don't have to stand in the cold with me while I do my laundry" she says while shoving a load in the washer.

"Let me go make us some hot chocolate and grab your coat from the car" I suggest but same time I don't want to leave her alone but I guess she's done this enough times.

"Sounds good" she smiles at me and god I enjoy being the one to put that smile on her face.

Making my up to the car first I grab our coats before heading back to her apartment to make the hot chocolate.

As I push the door to the freezing apartment open, I take in the tiny place that's since been cleaned after Ruby threw up.
I walk to the kitchen in search of cups and hot chocolate powder.

Looking in various cupboards I notice how empty they look before making my way to the fridge and also noticing that too isn't that full.

The milk is almost empty and doesn't smell great so I bin it, pulling out my phone I look to see if there is a local coffee shop and thankfully there's one just a block away.

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