19 | Distance

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Song: Heather
Artist's Name: Conan Gray

Lucas"Lucas!!" A voice shouts from across the halls, as I shut my locker door

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A voice shouts from across the halls, as I shut my locker door. I smirk, seeing Ethan fuming as he walks over to me.

"Don't fucking come near to my sister again." I roll my eyes at him. "And why's that?"

"You'll be dead meat if I see you with her again." I scoff at him. "And you thi—"

"—I know your secret. And I'm not afraid to tell it to the whole school."

He cuts me off, making me freeze. I clench my jaw. This fucking fucker. "Fine." I hesitantly answer.

He smirks at me, before walking off. Fuck. What did I just do. I just let him fucking blackmail me.

I gripped my hair with my hands, as I hear footsteps coming towards me. I look at the shoes, to see those white high cut converses.


"Hey Luca—" She stops, seeing my face. "What happened? Why are you so sad..?" She rushes over to me and wraps her arms aroud me.

I shove her away from me. She looks at me with a confused look. "Lucas.." she says.

I roll my eyes, "Fuck off." I say before walking off, purposely bumping my shoulder with hers.

Fuck, I regretted that.

Fuck, I regretted that

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"Fuck off."
Damn. That hit my heart with a loud pang. I felt confusion and tears rushing to my face.

A tear escapes from my eye. I wipe it angrily, walking to the bathroom. What happened

Did he hate me? Did he regret taking out last night? I wash my face before heading to the cafeteria.

I look for the girls, and spot them on the table by the back corner. I speed walk to them, not wanting to attract any attention at all.

Once I reached them, I sigh sitting my butt down on the cold metal benches. "Fuck." I mutter, warming my thighs with my hands.

"What happened to you?" Natalia asks, warming my shoulders, by pulling me to her side

"It's just.. boy problems." I say confused. She only looks at me with a pitiful smile, and hugs me by her side.

"I'm just so confused.. right now.." I say, whilst laying my head on her shoulder.

"You'll be fine." She reassures me, and before I know it.. the school bell was already ringing.

Guess it's time to go home. Finally. We all head outside, and hop inside. "Hey, do you guys mind if we drive to the grocery store really quickly? Mom just asked me to get some groceries on the way."

"Yeah sure." We all say in sync. Well, I guess we're going to the grocery store.

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