28 | Something's wrong

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Song: Mirrorball
Artist's Name: Taylor Swift

Song: MirrorballArtist's Name: Taylor Swift

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"Elara honey, Scarlett's here!"
Great. I quickly blow off the smoke, and throw the cigarette out of the window, as I hurried tot he bathroom.

I got some gum from my stash, and sprayed some air freshener before opening the door.

"Hey, scar." I greeted her casually. "Hey," she looked around in my room with a confused look before sitting down on my bed.

"Anyways, why haven't you been coming out of your house, worse not even coming out of your room?!"

"I've just been— busy." She raises an eyebrow at me. "Busy at what." She stared me down, as she grabs my wrists, observing them.

She then lifts up my shirt, to check if I have burns. "I didn't do it Scarlett." She sighs, as her gaze followed my mouth.

"Alright change topi— Ow!!" I widen my eyes, as Scarlett lifts up her bleeding foot.

Her skin of her heel had caught up to the tiny nail on the bottom of my bed. "Can you get me some band aids?"

"Yeah, I'll get some just wait a sec."

Scarlett's POV
Once she was out of the door, I wiped of some of the blood, and hurried to her drawers.

I checked her shelves, under her bed, but nothing there. So, I slide open her drawers.


I knew she was smoking. I had already smelled a bit of the weed from behind the door, before she had sprayed some air freshener.

And, it was also unusual for her to chew some gum. I look through the drawer even farther, two see five bottles of beer, and a stash of weed and gum.

That weed is probably making her go insane. What is she doing to herself?

Elara's POV
I enter the room, to see Scarlett scavenging through my drawer. "Scarlett."

I grit her name out through my teeth. "What are you doing with all these weed and beer elara?! Are you trying to kill yourself?!"

"Get out Scarlett." I hated people who went through my stuff without telling me. And especially when I'm hiding something from them.

She stays there, feet on the ground, and a glare on her face. "I said get the fuck out Scarlett!!" I shout at her, making her give me a confused look, before getting out.

I shut my door, walking towards my drawer. I get a beer bottle, and some weed.

I open my window, and climb onto it, placing a blanket on the roof. I light my cigarette, and start to smoke some.

I laid there, looking at the stars.
But.. I can't help but think to myself—
What am I doing..?

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