08 | True Love? My ass

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Song: Style
Artist's Name: Taylor Swift

Elara"Bye sexy!!"I raise my middle finger at him, which he just smirks at

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"Bye sexy!!"
I raise my middle finger at him, which he just smirks at. Once he leaves, I take a deep breath.

"What's up with you and that hot tamales?" Tori asks me, while wiping the countertop.

"He's an asshole, I can see why Ethan hates him so much." Tori chuckles at me, just then Fiona butts in, "I think it must be true lovee..." She sings, while getting the cash from the register.

"Shut up Fiona." She laughs at me, heading back to he kitchen. "Do you have a shift tomorrow?" Tori asks me.

"No, do you?" She nods, sighing. "Well, it's already getting late. Gotta bounce Tori, bye." She nods, smiling at me.

"Love you!!" I shout at her, before taking off my apron, and laying it on the counter, as I walk out of the diner.

I wipe the sweat off my forehead, before getting my phone to contact Scarlett. "Hey scar, can you pick me up? I'm at the diner."

She hums on the phone, before hanging up. A few minutes later, a black jeep comes roaring in the parking lot.

I smirk, hopping inside it. "So, how's work?" She asks, driving into the road. "It was exhausting. I met the fucking barbarian again."

She bursts out laughing at my term for that barbarian. "He really does live up to my nickname to him." I said rolling my eyes irritated just thinking about him again.

"I'm sure you'll grow into him." She says in a sing-song voice. "Never ever." I pull a disgusted face, before we pull up at my house.

"Thanks for the ride, scar."

⭒ ☆⋆The next week⋆☆⭒

Oh fuck.
This week was exhausting. I had so many shifts at the diner, and I had to deal with that barbarian for so many days.

And right now, I was getting ready to go to the movies, I wanted to stay home but  the girls forced me.

I just wore a comfy, yet stylish outfit.

Once I was done getting ready, I went downstairs to see the girls already there

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Once I was done getting ready, I went downstairs to see the girls already there. "Wow you look amazing, anyways let's go!" Sienna compliments me.

I smile at them, before walking towards Scarlett's jeep. I hope on the passenger seat, while sienna and Nat sat at the backseat.

"So what movie are we watching?" I ask making them giggle. "You'll see." Natalia hums, making me suspicious.

Once we parked at the movies, I immediately got out with them. Once we stepped inside.. I suddenly spot— is that—

No fucking way.

No fucking way

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