Chapter One: The New Blue Eyed Boy At The Library

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I was just roaming around the shelves, trying to find a book. There isn't really a good selection here, but it's better then being at home with two drunks as parents. Even though I have to go home anyways every night and feel the pain of their hands (mostly my dads) slapping my face, causing a burning sensation through out my cheek, always knowing that it's going to leave a mark.

I sigh as I continue looking, and when I turn to head to the next section, I see a boy. Black hair. Porcelain skin, and when he looks up, I see he has beautiful, gorgeous blue eyes that anyone could get lost in. Whilst looking at him, I accidently dropped the book I was holding on the floor by accident. I mumble to myself and I see the boy get up and walk over, picking up the book for me. I look at him, smiling slightly.

"T-thank you." I manage to choke out.

"You're welcome." He smiles, showing perfectly white teeth. He has such a gorgeous smile. I smile again as he turns around and starts browsing through the books, and I myself do the same. I quickly put the book I was looking at back, and start looking through the manga section. The boy that picked up the book for me a few seconds ago was also looking through the manga section, and as I go to reach for the book, he reaches for the same one.

"O-oh, s-sorry..." He says.

"I-it's okay, here," I say, handing him the book, "you have it."

He shakes his head. "No, you can have it."

"It's fine, really," I smile slightly, "you have it."

He lets out a sigh and smiles slightly. "You have it, please?"

"O-okay," I say, giving in to the older boy, "t-thank you."

"You're welcome." He replies, nodding.

"I-I'm Dan, by the way."

"I'm Phil," he says quietly, "Phil Lester."

I smile, and I can tell my dimple is showing and I blush lightly, "Nice to meet you, Phil."

He smiles back. "Nice meeting you too, Dan."

A few seconds of silence go by before I decide to speak up.

"S-so... I haven't seen you around before. A-are you new or..?"

Wow, great speaking there, Dan. Stop stuttering. I think to myself, and mentally face palm.

"Y-yeah, I just moved here a few weeks ago." 

"Right, right... cool." He smiles again, looking down at his feet. I can't help myself but think that he is fucking adorable. Just the way he smiles and his eyes easily drag me in. It's like his hair is just asking for me to run his hands through it...

"Have you made any friends yet?"

He shakes his head and I see that he now has a small frown on his face. "N-no, not yet."

"Oh... w-well, I'll be y-your friend, if you w-want." I say quietly, almost a whisper, and smile. He looks up at me and smiles brightly, a gleam in his eyes.

"S-sure..." He says quietly, smiling still. I can see that he is blushing lightly, his light skin colour showing it well. I can feel my face getting warm, and I smile slightly.

"Y-you know... you're the first friend I've ever had."

"You're my first friend, too, actually." He replies.

I smile and decide to sit down against the book shelf, looking up at him. 

"No way... you seem way too nice to never have had friends..."

He sighs and sits down next to me, giggling quietly and his tongue does the most cutest thing. It sticks out from his mouth when he laughs. Damn. I think I may be head over heels for this blue eyed boy I just met in the library.

"No one really likes me... they think I'm weird because I'm too nice."

I frown at the thought of nobody liking him. How could they not like him? He is such an adorable person.

"W-well they are just silly for not liking you." I smile, my dimple appearing. He smiles back.
I look over across the room and see a couple.

"You know those people over there," I say to him in a whisper, "they became a couple because the guy would leave notes in the books that the girl was reading... kind of like a secret admirer. I always thought it was cute and romantic. I would love if someone did that for me." I smile, feeling my cheeks get more hot. He smiles and laughs quietly, his tongue sticking out again.

"I would find it really cute if someone did that for me."

"Probably won't ever happen to me, though. No one likes me and I get bullied a lot."

He looks over at me, frowning slightly. 

"Same here... I get bullied, too."

I look back at him, frowning. "Y-you do? Why would anyone want to bully you? You're so nice..."

"That's why they usually bully me. I'm too nice and they assume I'm gay or something." He replies, shrugging.

"Well they are just horrible people who aren't worth your time."

He nods, replying quietly, "Y-yeah..."

I smile slightly, looking up at the clock and my smile fades. "I have to go home, but I'll be here again tomorrow. Are you going to be here? Tomorrow, I mean?"

"I will be here tomorrow." He smiles.

"Well then I'll see you here tomorrow, then." I smile, not bothering to shake his hand and I get up to leave, accidently dropping my book but doesn't notice, and I head home, thinking about my parents. But mostly thinking about the new blue eyed boy I just met at the library. The new blue eyed boy named Phil.


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