Chapter Two (The Other Half): The Phone Call

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Phil's POV

I watched as Dan got up to leave the library, accidently dropping the book we "argued" over. I tried calling after him but he was already gone. I sigh, stuffing the book in my bag with care, before getting up myself and leaving.

As soon as I get home, I am welcomed with the wonderful, blissful (yes, sarcasm) noise of my parents yelling. My parents are drunk. Again. For maybe the fifth night this week. I can never get used to it. I don't think I ever will. I start toward the stairs, keeping my eyes down, before my dad storms in pushing me, almost throwing me, against the wall. He slaps me across the face and backs off as I run up the stairs, tears falling onto my cheeks in only seconds of impact. I'm too upset to even notice the pain until I sit down, trying to calm myself. That's when the pain starts. I bring my hand up, carefully tracing my fingers on it. It stings. I get up, walking over to the bathroom that is mine, and I look into the mirror. The hand print is very visible, and I sigh, knowing that Dan will notice as I have nothing I can do to hide it.

I look down into the drawer below the mirror, holding a pocket knife. I start reaching out for it, but I hold back, knowing that those marks I definitely won't be able to hide from Dan. I sigh, closing the drawer slowly. I walk back out from the bathroom and back to my bed, pulling out the book that he had forgotten at the library, and I start flipping through the pages. As I'm flipping, I see a small slip of paper containing what looks like some ones phone number. I grab my cell phone from my bed stand and dial in the number, biting my lip. It rings a few times before the person answers.

"Uh.. h-hello?" The person, or should I say boy as it sounds, who answers sounds vaguely familiar, but I can't quite think of who it could be. My eyes then widen as I remember who it is. Dan. It was him.

I let out a small sniffle and I wipe away a few tears from my face, my response somewhat quiet, "Dan? Is this you?"

"Y-yeah? Who is this?" It goes silent for a few seconds before he speaks again, "Wait... Phil?"

"Hi, Dan." I smile, trying to keep my voice steady, hoping he won't notice that I've been crying. I sniffle again, trying to be quiet.

"Hey, Phil.. wh-what's wrong?"

Well damn. Not very good at covering up my emotions, am I?

I could tell he has been crying to by the sound of his voice. My heart almost shatters at his voice, how quiet it is. "N-nothing," I say, sniffling again, no longer trying to cover my emotions, "you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine.." I can tell he's trying to hide his sniffling, too, but it isn't quite working out for him, either.

"N-no you're not.. you were crying.. tell me what's wrong, please?"

"I-" he cuts himself off, his voice cracking, "I can't, it's honestly nothing."

I let out a sigh, not wanting to push him with any more questions, so I change the subject, "By the way, you forgot your book at the library.."

"Oh, that's where it was.. I was worried I had dropped it or something." He lets out a small chuckle, making me smile.

"Don't worry, I have it with me. That's how I found your number." He laughs again, making me smile even wider.


I bite my lip, my cheeks turning a light pink at the thought of what I want to say, "I kind of.." I let out a sigh, "never mind.."

"O-okay.." I could tell he was confused by the tone of his voice, so I just decided to blurt it out.

"I k-kind of miss you.."

"I kind of miss you, too."

I smile, causing my cheek to hurt, but I don't mind it, "I can't wait to see you tomorrow."

"I can't wait to see you tomorrow, either."

I replied with a small whisper, "Okay.."

His response came fairly quick, and it sounded like he was panicking.

"I uh.. I have to go. I'm sorry, I'll see you tomorrow."

I sigh, my smile fading, "O-okay, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, bye." He quickly hangs up, not even letting me let out my goodbye that was on the tip of my tongue. I frown, setting my phone back on the bed side table. I then remember what Dan told me at the library today.

'You know those people over there?' he says in a whisper, 'they became a couple because the guy would leave notes in the books that the girl was reading.. kind of like a secret admirer. I always thought it was cute and romantic. I would love it if someone did that for me.'

"Maybe I should do that love note thing for Dan.." I said quietly to myself.
I got up quickly, grabbing a few pieces of paper and a pen, along with the book, and wrote five notes. I hid them in random spots (usually at the beginning of a chapter) in the book. I smile, imaging the look on Dan's face as he finds every single one. I finally place the book gently back in my bag, hoping I won't lose any of them, and I lie down on my bed for a while, soon falling asleep. I fell asleep thinking about him. Thinking about the brown eyed boy I had just met at the library. The brown eyed boy named Dan.


Dear Reader: Ah yes, the second half of the last chapter but in Phil's POV! I might do other chapters in parts in between POV's, but I'm not quite sure. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry if you found it too short or boring. I do my best. :D And please, if you find any mistakes, please do tell me ASAP! I'll fix them immediately. I take all feedback positively so please do leave your opinion in the comments! (The only reason I'm including the whole mistakes part is because I caught a typo in my first chapter. Whoops.)

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